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Million Dollar Shoot-Out

Odds On Promotions and our sister company, Hole In One International, can insure a $1,000,000 hole in one shoot-out for only $190. And, when you buy hole in one insurance from us and your participant knocks it in, our A Rated prize insurance will kick in to pay for the prize.

Tournament Million Dollar Hole In One Shoot-Out

Before or during your tournament, have a raffle, closest to the pin contest, or qualify up to five players in any fashion to take a shot in your million dollar hole in one shoot-out! Coordinate with the golf course to use a hole adjacent to the clubhouse for your million dollar hole in one contest. Create a 165+ yard teeing area and gather your participants to witness the excitement. If one of your qualifiers aces the hole, they score BIG!


Fundraising Million Dollar Hole In One Shoot-Out

Raise $50,000 or more for your cause! Charities, schools, sports teams, anyone can organize a million dollar hole in one shoot-out. Set up a 125-yard hole at a local, high-traffic driving range with a 3-5 foot circle around it. Over a three to five day period, charge $1-$2 per shot to allow golfers to qualify for the finals of your million dollar hole in one shoot-out by knocking it into the circle. Gather all qualifiers at the conclusion of the event to take their shot from 165+ yards to join the ranks of the rich and famous.


Our Shoot-out Hole In One Insurance Program Includes:

A Free Contest Sign - Buy million dollar hole in one shoot-out insurance from us and we'll provide you with a free million dollar hole in one contest sign announcing your sponsor and the giant prize to be won.

Million Dollar Shoot-Out Contest Sign


Step by Step:


Choose a qualifying process and number of finalists for your million dollar hole in one shoot-out. Tournament million dollar hole in one shoot-outs: we recommend 1-5 finalists. Fundraising million dollar hole in one shoot-outs: 10-30 finalists.


Call 888-827-2249. We will help you match your budget to the number of finalists you wish to have, the prize value you want to give away, and the yardage (the longer, the cheaper) finalists will be shooting from.


We'll give you a free, no obligation million dollar hole in one insurance quote, issue the necessary paperwork, and you'll be ready to host your own million dollar hole in one contest!

Odds On Promotions 888.827.2249


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