Odds On offers a variety of football promotions to create excitement, generate publicity, and develop effective sponsorship packages at all levels of competition. From the pee-wees to the pros, a $1,000,000 insured prize contest is a game winning touchdown. Don't miss out on sporting event promotions from Odds On!
Our most popular football contest. It's simple! Split the uprights and Odds On will foot the bill. more»
Check out our unique football stadium contests designed to allow anyone from students to Grandma to participate! more»
This one is great fun and ends with a kick through the uprights for all the dough. more»
One of our most exciting football promotions! Park a truck a set distance from pay dirt. Randomly select your contestants to pull off the perfect punt into the bed of the truck, and they'll drive away in style, courtesy of Odds On. more»
Motivate performance with an incentive worth striving for. more»
Spruce up your Pick the Pros football promotion with up to a $1,000,000 bonus. Qualify contestants for the chance to pick the winners of the playoff games. Get them all right and Odds On will write the check for the insured prize! more»
Make any play worth big money! more»
Get on a hot streak and Odds On will be there to write the check! more»
Choose your favorite team and wait for the big play to pay big. more»
An economical contest where contestants kick a series of field goals. The more they make, the bigger the prize. more»
When the pass is complete, Odds On will be there to write the check! more»
Text, Match & Win is an affordable and effective promotion for increasing excitement in any sports venue. more»
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