A Lucky Hand Poker Run, whether on land or sea, is a proven fundraiser! Register contestants and issue a list of five sponsor locations to visit. At sponsors' locations, contestants randomly draw a playing card. After visiting all locations, they proceed to the final stop and enter their five cards into our Verification Computer. If their hand matches the preselected winning hand, Odds On will pay for the prize!
Step by Step Lucky Hand Poker Fundraiser Activity:
Select your grand prize package, how many hands you expect to sell, and your self-insured consolation prizes. Then advertise the chance to win big for supporting your cause!
Participants go to designated locations and select cards. At the final stop or at your after party, enter their contestant number and hand into the touch screen verification unit. Instantly each hand is ranked from highest to lowest value..
When someone enters the Lucky Hand, they take home the grand prize, and Odds On pays the giant jackpot!
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