Video Scratch & Win is a great way to energize your next event. Advertise a free chance to win up to $100,000 just for showing up. Customers control their own destiny by selecting six spots on the video grid. For example, offer a free drink for one correct selection, a two-for-one meal for two, $50 for three, $100 for four, $500 for five, and $100,000 for six. You set the prizes and frequency for up to five correct selections and Odds On picks up the tab for six! Watch a video to see how Video Scratch & Win works.
Step by Step:
Choose a theme from our grand prize packages and up to six self-sponsored prizes. Or, contact us to customize a game to match your brand or event theme. Advertise the chance to win big.
Customers approach the touch screen game and using their fingertips unveil symbols on a 9x4 grid of squares.
If someone unveils all six winning symbols, they take home the grand prize and Odd On picks up the tab.
Video Scratch & Win
A virtual scratch card game that can be easily customized to fit any promotional theme.
Sample Lite Kiosk Designs (click for more)
Sample Tablet Designs (click for more)
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