For just pennies per card you can give your customers the chance to win up to $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On. Select from any of our Stock, or Customizable Cards, or let us custom design a card exclusively for you. Each card is a potential winner and features a registration section printed on the back, which is the perfect tool for database development and bounce back drawings. Contestants simply scratch off a predetermined number of surfaces to reveal underlying symbols. When they unveil the winning symbols, Odds On will be there to pay for the prize!
How Scratch Card Promotions Work
Choose the scratch card and prize package that best suits your scratch card promotion. Then, advertise the chance to win big at your location.
Players simply scratch off a predetermined number of surfaces to reveal the underlying symbols.
When a player unveils the correct number of matching symbols they’ll take home the prize indicated by the number of dollar signs revealed in the prize level box, and Odds On will pick up the tab!
Featured Highlights
Attention-Grabbing Prizes - Offer up to a $1,000,000 prize for just pennies per card.
Efficient – The back of each card has a contact data/registration form.
Easy to Run – Select from unique themes and hand out the cards.
Fast– Preprinted Scratch and Win cards are ready to ship immediately.
Easy to Play – Just scratch and match the allotted number of squares.
Cost Effective – Your costs are predetermined and fixed.
Risk Free – When you have a winner, Odds On pays for the prize.
Stock Cards
Need a great promotion now? Look no further than our in-stock, ready to ship Scratch and Win Cards. Available in a number of themes, each of these affordable cards are on the shelf and ready to ship.
Customizable Cards
Want to stand out from the crowd? Personalize your Scratch and Win Cards for just a few cents more. Our customizable cards give you the ability to incorporate your sponsors logo’s, bounce-back offers and second chance drawings, all with a quick turnaround.
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