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Radio Station Runs Weather Promotion: Listeners Will Win Big When It Rains!

If you’re a radio station, then the last thing you want is to fall victim to low ratings or see a decrease in cumulative audience. 

And if you live in the state of Texas right now … you could use some rain.

Which is exactly why one Texas radio station is driving tune-in by giving fans the chance to win $1,000 each if it rains 2″ in a creative weather promotion insured by Odds On Promotions.   Here’s exactly how it works:

Callers will have a chance to register for the promotion online or at various sponsor locations.  Multiple times each day, the radio station will announce a registrant’s name.  That registrant will then have 10 minutes and 19 seconds to call in.  If they do, they’ll win some great swag (rain guage, car wash and umbrella) provided by the station and become a finalist.  By the end of the qualifying period, there will be a total of 101 qualifiers.  And if it rains on the actual insured promotion date..?  All 101 of those qualifiers instantly win $1,000!

Sure, it may seem like a long shot with the  drought-like conditions Texas is presently experiencing, but you never know when a torrential downpour is due (after all, Texas is funny that way).   And if that happens… 101 lucky people might just “float away” $1,000 richer and Odds On will be there to hand over the dough!

In fact, whether it’s rain, snow, a record heat wave or below freezing phenomenon… Odds On will insure any type of weather!  Give us a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us for more information and pricing.

And keep in mind: you don’t have to be affiliated with a radio station in order to insure a promotion like this — it works perfectly for retailers too!