Tax Day Promotion Idea: EZ Money Lucky Envelopes

Tax Day Promotion - Lucky EnvelopesLooking for a Tax Day promotion for your business? Advertise the chance to win $10,400 this April with Odds On’s 1040 E-Z Money Lucky Envelopes game.

Register everyone who visits your business between now and April 15th. Then, invite everyone back to your final event where you will select a lucky contestant or two and give them the chance to select from a collection of Lucky Envelopes filled with different cash prizes.

If a lucky finalist can select the envelope or combination of envelopes that adds up to 1040, they’ll win $10,400 and Odds On Promotions will pay for the prize.

Need more Tax Day promotion ideas?

Need more ideas for a Tax Day promotion or another April promotion you’d like to insure? Give Odds On Promotions a call today at 888-827-2249 and we’ll help you craft the perfect contest that will help drive traffic and sales to your business location.

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