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Feathers of Fortune: November Swipe, Play & Win Promotion

Two casinos (one in California, the other in Arizona) have decided to attract and entice players at their locations with one of Odds On Promotions’ Swipe, Play & Win games called Feathers of Fortune!

The concept of Feathers of Fortune is quite simple: players swipe their club card and choose a feather on the turkey’s fan to see if it reveals a grand prize of $150,000, or a rewarding holiday consolation prize such as holiday gift cards, turkeys, pies or anything else you player’s might like to ‘gobble up’ this Thanksgiving.

Remember, with a Swipe, Play & Win promotion, the grand prize is always customizable, so you can give away whatever prize will appeal to your customer base. And don’t forget, with Swipe, Play and Win, you can distribute a predetermined number of consolation prizes to your players based on their theoretical win, without going over your budget!

Feel free to contact us if you’d like more information about this promotion by either emailing us or giving us a call at 888-827-2249!