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Spring For Tickets

Looking for an effective way to get a jump on season ticket sales while giving sponsors increased visibility?  How about running a Spring for Tickets promotion where fans renewing their tickets by a predetermined date get the chance to come down to center field, center court or center ice during next year’s games for a chance to win $10,000, $50,000, $100,000 or even $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On Promotions, in a thrilling game day promotion. Or, give all your returning fans the chance to win life-changing prizes by predicting how your team will perform (yards gained, points scored, shots on goal) during the upcoming season –or during a particular game in a register-to-win prediction promotion insured by Odds On. If your fans can see in to the future, we’ll be there to pay for the prize! Looking for more ways to sell more tickets, create more sponsorship opportunities, boost your fan database and enhance the game day experience? Odds On Promotions has contests for every sport and sponsor.  Call Linda Thomson today at 800-771-0250 for a custom promotion your fans and sponsors will love.