Spring Into Bigger Sponsor Sales: Giant Prize Baseball Promotions

Want to hit a marketing home run with sponsors while delighting your biggest fans? How about kicking off your 2012 season ticket program in a million dollar fashion with Odds On’s prize insurance?  Odds On’s Sports Promotion Specialist, Linda Thomson, has some fantastic baseball promotion ideas for the upcoming year!  Check them out:



Strike Out The Side
Here’s a great way for a bank or credit union to “own” an inning for the entire season. Simply select a prize, designate an inning and start cheering on the pitcher. If the home team can strike out three players in a row, a lucky fan will win the big bucks, and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab!


$100,000 Hit it Here
A Homer Hole contest is a great way to showcase a single sponsor all season long. It’s easy! If a player can send the ball through an outfield target template, a lucky fan will score an incredible prize, and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab.  Better still, templates can be customized to suit any sponsor or theme you’d like.


7th Inning Scratch, Match & Win
Put the chance to win in every fan’s hand, while giving your sponsor incredible exposure before, during and after the game with Odds On’s Scratch, Match and Win video board promotion.  Odds On will customize a scratch card for you to distribute to every fan instructing them to “scratch” off their cards and watch the video board during the 7th Inning stretch. If the numbers on the fan’s card match the ones revealed on a customized video playback, they win BIG and Odds On pays.


If increasing fan engagement, sponsorship, and ticket sales are on your 2012 to
do list, then it’s time to email or pick up the phone and give Linda Thomson a call at 800-771-0250.