Work for a TV or Radio Station? Be sure to take notes on this fabulous promotion, insured by a radio station in the Southeast, that teamed up with a beverage sponsor to run a Lucky Envelopes promotion at various grocery stores!
Here’s exactly how it worked: Over the span of a month, a member of the beverage sponsor’s “prize patrol” was sent to multiple stores with the goal of locating shoppers with a specific brand of beverage in their cart. The first shopper who met the criteria that was spotted by the “prize patrol” was automatically selected to participate in a Lucky Envelopes promotion!
The lucky shopper selected at each store location got to select three envelopes, each of which had an insert that held various numbers, out of a total of 15. If the 3 inserts within added up to 100 – the station’s call number, they could instantly become a $10,000 winner… and Odds On Promotions will be there to pay for prize!
Fun idea: If you plan on stealing this promotion idea, be sure to contact Odds On Promotions! We can create a custom gameboard in any shape (i.e. soda can, beer bottle, chip bag) which will display your envelopes in the most “attention-grabbing” manner possible!
In addition to giving shoppers the chance to win the big bucks, the radio station also gave away free prizes to shoppers including grocery store gift cards, iTunes gift cards, performing arts center gift cards, concert tickets… and even a 3 day/2 night stay at a local bed & breakfast!
Interested pitching this promotion to your favorite sponsor? We’ll be happy to help you craft a few concepts for you! Just give Odds On a call at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote and additional information/suggestions! You can also email us at any time!