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Using Facebook Sweepstakes to Qualify Contestants

Looking for a Facebook sweepstakes? It could end up being a good investment since the business pages with the most engaged “friends” wins … or so it seems, now that search engines are incorporating more social signals into their algorithms.

But, while adding and engaging followers, improving customer communication, and garnering more buzz on search engines are all appealing reasons to improve your social profile, unless you’re primarily an online or over-the-phone business, chances are brick & mortar traffic still pays the bills.

That’s why we love this easy-to-implement idea from Damien Anderson, Odds On’s Internet Business Development Manager…

Use a custom Facebook sweepstakes to qualify a portion of your contestants for your next giant-prize promotion.

Odds On Promotions’ customized Facebook sweepstakes programs include:

• Custom email marketing template to promote your Facebook Sweepstakes
• Custom Facebook Welcome Page featuring your Promotional/Contest Graphics
• Custom “Share” Feature
• Official Contest Rules
• Winner Selection, Verification and Announcements
• Opt-in email collection, mandatory “Likes” and the technical support you’ll need to get your social sweepstakes up and running.

Looking for more cost-effective applications and promotions that will help you create an engaging and impactful Facebook presence, increase your fan base, improve your online visibility, and increase sales?

Give Damien Anderson a call today at 800.504.9553!