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Online Promotion Ideas: Need One? Check This Out…

Is your business in need of some great online promotion ideas?  Are you looking to collect valuable marketing information in the process?  I recently assisted a mortgage company based in Virginia in insuring an online Facebook Instant Win promotion.

After sharing with me that their goal was to increase their Facebook fanbase via an instant win promotion, I suggested that the mortgage company run a month-long Prize Vault contest on their Facebook page featuring a $25,000 prize!

To kick off the contest, the mortgage company announced the start of their promotion in their target market areas using direct mail, social media and email blasts.  Recipients were instructed to ‘like’ the company’s Facebook page for the chance to  to participate in the online Prize Vault instant win promotion.

In order to better understand who the participants were, when the fans logged in with their email address, they had to answer  a few brief questions before playing the actual game.  Once the game was activated, and the “prize vault” was displayed on the screen, fans then got the chance to move the four dials on the vault and choose a ‘lucky combo’ of numbers which would hopefully open the vault…  and reveal the insured grand prize of $25,000, paid for by Odds On!

While unfortunately, there was no grand prize winner, a variety of smaller auxiliary prizes, provided by the mortgage company, were randomly awarded to those who participated.  These consolation prizes consisted of iPad Minis, Kindle Fires, Amazon Gift Cards and gift cards to Outback Steakhouse.

What I love about Odds On’s online promotions is that you don’t have to worry about facilitating the promotion once the contest is up on your page. We collect the marketing data, our system randomly determines the winner and all you have to do is sit back and relax, knowing that it’s all in the hands of Odds On Promotions. Interested in experiencing a live demo of our “Prize Vault” instant win game?  Check it out, then watch the commercial below.  Feel free to give us a call at 888-827-2249 for more online promotion ideas.  You can also visit our website for more ideas, or email us with any questions!