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Grand Prize Fishing Promotions


Planning or sponsoring a fishing tournament? If you want more lines in the water then you’ve got to offer some irresistible bait! That’s where Odds On comes in. We give fishing tournament organizers and their sponsors the ability to offer amazing prizes without the risk of payout! Just check out a few of these lures…

Find the Lucky Tag, Win a Brand New Truck!
If the tag on a randomly selected or winning fish caught during your event, matches a preselected lucky tag, the angler drives home with a new set of wheels, and Odds On will pay for the prize!

Net A Record Breaker, Win A RV! Reward a record-breaking catch with a brand new RV… if an angler catches a state, national or world record breaker during your event, Odds On will pick up the tab!

Match for A Million!
Give a randomly selected participante or your tournament winner the chance to score a million bucks, paid for by Odds On if the weight of there fish, matches a pre-selected “lucky weight”. Looking for more promotions that will make your existing tournament even more appealing? Email or give us a call today and request a copy of our Top Five Fishing Promotions.

Have we ‘reeled’ you in yet?  If so, email us or give us a call at 888-827-2249; otherwise, feel free to check out all the other fishing promotions we have to offer!