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Odds On Helps Furniture Store Run Timeline-Friendly Spin & Win Promotion

Looking to hold a great Timeline-ready Facebook promotion to help generate leads and increase your ‘likes’ and fan base while also giving people a chance to win a big prize?
That’s exactly what this New Mexico furniture store plans on doing … with a little help from Odds On Promotions!

For a one-month period, this furniture store will hold a “Spin & Win” promotion on their Facebook page where users — once they they ‘like’ the furniture company’s page — can spin a virtual wheel to see if they’re an instant winner!

“Winner of what?”, you’re likely wondering.  How about $25,000 … all paid for by Odds On Promotions, should the lucky user happen to come across the “Congratulations!” message across the top of the wheel after they take their spin!

Looking for a custom-tailored Timeline-ready Facebook promotion of your own?  Give us a call today at 888-827-2249 … or feel free to email us for a free, no-obligation quote!

P.S. Speaking of ‘Timeline’ … you’ve seen ours, right?