Category Archives: Weather Promotions

Weather promotions include anything from conditional rebates based upon rain, sleet, snow or otherwise! Come check out what we have to offer.

Weather Conditional Rebate Lands Customers Over $91K in Windows

Anchorage, Alaska – Congratulations to the customers of Renewal by Andersen of Alaska who received a 100% rebate on replacement windows, paid for by Odds On Promotions as part of a weather conditional rebate promotion.
Weather Conditional Rebate Winners

Last autumn Renewal by Andersen of Alaska ran a weather conditional rebate promotion giving anyone who invested in replacement windows during their promotional dates the chance to get a 100% rebate on their purchase, if it snowed 3″ on Christmas Eve.

On December 24th, Mother Nature let the snowflakes fly, and every homeowner who had made a window purchase during the qualifying period received a 100% rebate. Over $91,000 in free windows were given away and Odds On was there to write the checks.

Are you looking to increase your sales this November and December? A weather or sports based conditional rebate is a great sales tool. Not only does it help your advertising stand out from the crowd, but it can provide just a bit of added incentive to help close a sale sooner than later.

To learn more about running a weather rebate, email or give us a call today at 888-827-2249.

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How To Promote a Fishing Tournament

Interested in running a fishing tournament, but not quite sure how to go about promoting one?  Don’t fret — you’re not alone!  Thankfully, Odds On is here today to shed some light on the topic and help make your next tournament a huge success!

While it may seem like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised as to how many tournament planners neglect to take part in the very first step: plan ahead.

As soon as your club/organization sets a firm date for the tournament, that’s when you’ll want to begin divvying up tasks to your fellow members.  Who will be in charge of advertising?  Selling sponsorships?  Coordinating with the prize insurance company (should prize insurance for a fishing contest at your event be desired) to assist with fundraising?  It’s crucial that everyone know and understand their role.

Promoting and advertising can take on many different forms — from print advertising (mailers, an article in the newspaper, press releases or flyers) to radio commercials and even websites, the choice is yours.  Effectiveness will mainly depend on the demographic you’re wanting to attract to your tournament: do you know your target audience?

Tip: As soon as you’ve nailed down a date for your tournament, send out a mailer notifying individuals of the event.  Just because you don’t have the exact details yet doesn’t mean that you can’t inform them of the date, location of the fishing tournament, as well as a contact number for someone who can answer any questions.

Be sure that you time your publicity to achieve maximum results.  Keep in mind that there are no ‘exact’ deadlines — each medium will inevitably have different needs.  Contact the ones you’re most interested in, whether it be your local newspaper or radio station(s), and inquire as to what their specific deadlines are.  Then, after taking note of the lead time required, work accordingly.

Last, but definitely not least, be prepared for possible inclement weather on the date of your eventDon’t let mother nature ruin all of the efforts you and your staff have put into making your fishing tournament a success.  Consider purchasing weather insurance, which will ensure that if inclement weather does occur, your organization will not lose your investment.  Instead, an insurance company will cover those costs based on the size and type of the weather cancellation insurance purchased!

Need more pointers?  Looking to make your fishing tournament one to remember by purchasing prize insurance?  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 or email us!  We’d be happy to help!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Contingency Insurance

‘Contingency Insurance.’  The words sound about as boring as watching paint dry, don’t they?  But, are you aware of how exciting contingency insurance can make your marketing?

Kristen Hansen, Social Media Marketing Assistant with Odds On, is here today to give you 3 examples of contingency insurance and how it can be used to insure a promotion, protect your marketing investment, or create an enticing marketing offer.

Let’s start with a definition … a contingency is a future event or circumstance that is possible, but cannot be predicted with certainty. Events that can be covered by contingency insurance are those which have a likelihood of occuring (or chance) that can be calculated. For example, the likelihood of an amateur making a hole in one while playing golf is 1 in 13,000.

Here are a few examples of how contingency insurance from Odds On Promotions can make your marketing more effective and exciting…

Example #1: “The Contingency Bowl”
Contingency prize insurance can be used to make any sports event a marketing opportunity. Take a football game for example; because the scores of the two teams are unbeknownst to anyone prior to the game, the event becomes insurable.  With contingency insurance coverage from Odd On, you can offer a great grand prize, whether it be cash, a car or even an all-inclusive vacation to the next Super Bowl!  In fact, you could create a football promotion where if your team shuts out their arch rival, your customers win a full rebate on their purchases.

Example #2: “One Cool Offer”
Are you a retailer located in a notoriously snowy area?  How about giving your customers the chance to win a 50% rebate on their purchases… or better yet, be able to take them home absolutely free of cost?  Good news — it’s completely doable!  With weather coverage, another form of contingency insurance, retailers can offer up to a 100% rebate on all items purchased during a designated promotional period if a particular type (in this case, snow) and/or volume of weather occurs on a specific day.  For example, you can set up the prize contingency insurance policy to state that if it snows more than 6″ at your location on x date, everyone who made a purchase at your store from x to y date gets their money back!  Talk about exciting!

Example #3: “Tent Sale Mayhem”
Another use for contingency insurance is protecting an important marketing investment. For example, say you’ve invested a lot of money into an event – in this case, a Tent Sale – and an unexpected weather condition such as high-speed winds come ‘blowing’ into town.  Suddenly, your event has to be cancelled and the money you invested is lost. Or is it?  Event coverage is a form of contingency insurance that will cover you in case your event goes completely awry due to inclement weather or other unexpected peril.  With this form of coverage, your organization won’t lose its marketing investment because contingency insurance eliminates the risk!

Have these three examples of contingency insurance managed to spark any ideas regarding your future promotions and/or events?  Don’t hesitate to give us a call!  Odds On Promotions can assist you in setting up any form of contingency prize insurance.  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 or pricing information or email us if you have any other questions we can answer for you!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Radio Station Runs Weather Promotion: Listeners Will Win Big When It Rains!

If you’re a radio station, then the last thing you want is to fall victim to low ratings or see a decrease in cumulative audience. 

And if you live in the state of Texas right now … you could use some rain.

Which is exactly why one Texas radio station is driving tune-in by giving fans the chance to win $1,000 each if it rains 2″ in a creative weather promotion insured by Odds On Promotions.   Here’s exactly how it works:

Callers will have a chance to register for the promotion online or at various sponsor locations.  Multiple times each day, the radio station will announce a registrant’s name.  That registrant will then have 10 minutes and 19 seconds to call in.  If they do, they’ll win some great swag (rain guage, car wash and umbrella) provided by the station and become a finalist.  By the end of the qualifying period, there will be a total of 101 qualifiers.  And if it rains on the actual insured promotion date..?  All 101 of those qualifiers instantly win $1,000!

Sure, it may seem like a long shot with the  drought-like conditions Texas is presently experiencing, but you never know when a torrential downpour is due (after all, Texas is funny that way).   And if that happens… 101 lucky people might just “float away” $1,000 richer and Odds On will be there to hand over the dough!

In fact, whether it’s rain, snow, a record heat wave or below freezing phenomenon… Odds On will insure any type of weather!  Give us a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us for more information and pricing.

And keep in mind: you don’t have to be affiliated with a radio station in order to insure a promotion like this — it works perfectly for retailers too!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

A Baseball Promotion Home Run: World Series Grand Slam Conditional Rebate

As you may know, yesterday the Yankees had three grand slams in a single game.
While this was the first time in MLB History such a feat has taken place, chances are, it’s unlikely to be the last!

And that’s where Odds On Promotions comes in…

Just imagine the headlines you’ll grab when you give fans in your town the chance to get a 100% rebate on all of their purchases, or a shot at winning a $1,000,000 prize, if either team in the World Series “Meets or Beats the Yanks” three grand slams!

Not sure that’s of interest to your customers?  How about crafting a sales promotion based on whether or not your team wins the Super Bowl or the BCS – or if will snow on Christmas Day?

Want to learn more? Email or give us a call today at 888-827-2249!