Category Archives: Football Contests & Promotions

Create excitement, generate publicity, and develop more effective sponsorship packages with a giant-prize football contest or promotion from Odds On.

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Attention: Radio Stations… Increase Your Listener Base!

Are you a radio station looking to increase your listener base and possibly add a little something extra to your programming this year?  Then you’ll definitely want to read about this great promotion that Cumulus Broadcasting is running with two popular college football teams during the football season!

Cumulus will be holding two separate on-air promotions – one for each football team, as both colleges are located within the same vicinity.  Callers will qualify a week prior to the specified promotion (game) dates by dialing in to the station and being the lucky caller.

During the respective team’s game, if a kickoff is returned for a touchdown, the prequalified caller will win a grand prize of $10,000… paid for by Odds On Promotions!

Give your listeners something to look forward to this year with one of Odds On’s great media promotions, like this one!  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 or send us an email for pricing and further information!

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Great for Newspapers: You Pick ‘Em… In the Paper!

Are you looking to run a promotion that will generate hype among your reader base?  Then you’ll love reading about the promotion that this newspaper company is doing!

For 2 weeks, this West Virginia newspaper company is running a NCAA Football score prediction promotion.  Here’s how it works:

Every reader will fill out their score prediction forms and send them in on the Friday prior to the opening game.  5 finalists will then be chosen at random and the newspaper company will submit their entries to Odds On Promotions.  If one of those 5 lucky finalists guesses both the half time and ending score for each team correctly, then they’re automatically a $50,000 winner!

Not only is it simple, but also cost-effective!  See for yourself: give us a call at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote!  Questions?  Wanting to run a different type of newspaper promotion?  No problem!  You can also shoot us an email – one of our sales representatives will get back to you ASAP!

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How To Get More From Your Odds On Football Promotion…

1. Advertise your prize & kick off date.  It’s never too late to spread the word!
Something as simple as “Coming September X your chance to win X” is all you need!
Just get it to the street!  Starting now, put your insured prize – be it cash or a car, on everything, everywhere. Marquees,  newspaper ads, radio ads, social media sites, overhead messaging, press releases, on-hold messages, websites, etc.

2. TRAIN YOUR STAFF on the promotion you’re running, how it works, how & what customers can win.  For bonus points, run a score prediction or football pool promotion for your staff.

3. Promote your promotion on-site! Have a kiosk promotion ? Put it in a visible high traffic location and decorate it! Spend a little dough for a banner, table tents, posters or showcards.  A few days before the big kickoff and throughout the first week, decorate your location with helium-filled football shaped balloons & have staff wear football jerseys … If you’re running “pick the pros” promotion or a weekly promo that has a consolation prize winner, create a “Leader’s Brag Board” to post the name and prize amounts awarded to your winners.

4. Throw a ‘pre-season’ party. Don’t wait another minute! Call, mail, email, or message your top clients and invite them in for a “pre-season party”. You can even use business cards with a message on the back. At the “party” explain how your promotion works. Serve “game day food”.  Bars, restaurants and casinos, see your local bev. distributor about crafting a special … and if they or another non-competing business can help provide football swag to give away. If you’re a casino and you want to pay for this sort of party  …make the party a points based affair (i.e. earn X points to qualify for “pre-season football party”).

5. Incorporate Weekly Consolation Prizes & Recognize Your Winners!
Every week, someone should get a prize.  A consolation prize need not be expensive, just meaningful. It could be very simple/inexpensive like a logo’d keychain of the person’s favorite team, a football, a beverage holder,  apparel, or if you have the budget, free wings and a pitcher during the next game.  One way to drive additional visits & reward winners is to announce or award your weekly consolation prize winners on the day or night of the week you most need business – if you opt for this, be sure your prize makes visiting your location worthwhile … otherwise recognize your winner on the Thursday, Sunday or Monday following their “winning” week -and make it fun affair!

6. Be Prepared! Make sure you understand your promotion and how it works. In addition, have a press release ready in the event you have a big winner.

Want more tips for running a great football promotion?

Stay tuned.

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NFL Team and Ford Hold Football Promotion

Are you a car dealership looking to hold a giant size football promotion this season, or a sports team looking to award your fans?  Then you’ll definitely enjoy reading about this promotion where a statewide group of Ford dealerships are running in conjunction with an NFL team to offer a brand new vehicle to one lucky contestant!

All season long, Ford and this pro football team will select one contestant at each NFL game the team plays during the season.  If during that game, a kickoff is returned for a touchdown, then the pre-selected contestant will become the proud new owner of a $40,000 vehicle, compliments of Ford and paid for by Odds On Promotions!

Ready to give your customers or fans the chance to strike it rich this season?  Give Odds On Promotions a call at 888-827-2249 for pricing and/or information on all of our other sports promotions… or simply send us an email!

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Big Prize Promotions for Football Season

Ready for some football? Call Odds On today and we’ll help you craft
an affordable football promotion in plenty time for kick off!

Football season starts in the next few days. What are you doing to help your business stand out from the crowd?

Odds On Promotions has dozens of creative ideas that will help you drive traffic and sales from the opening kickoff of the college season to the closing moments of the Super Bowl!

Check out this halftime Pass, Punt & Kick video below. Then drop us an email to request a brochure outlining Odds On’s Top Ten Football Contests.
