Category Archives: Bowling Contests & Promotions

Create excitement, generate publicity, and develop more effective sponsorship packages with a giant-prize bowling contest or promotion from Odds On.

Odds On Insures $1,000,000 Prize at U.S. Women’s Open Bowling Championship in Reno

Scene from the press conference

On June 27th, 2012, the US Women’s Open Bowling Championship will take place in Odds On Promotions’ own hometown — Reno, Nevada!

But this year’s competition is going to be a whole lot more interesting… Not only is it going to take place on the biggest little “bowling alley” in the  world, if any of the finalists can bowl the perfect game, they’ll take home $1,000,000, courtesy of Odds On Promotions.

As reported in the New York Times, during a recent press conference the City of Reno announced that the finals of the United States Women’s Open Championship will not take place at the National Bowling Stadium – but will instead be held outdoors, on Virginia Street directly under the city’s iconic landmark, the RENO arch.  What’s more, competitors will be getting a chance to not only roll for the Championship title, but if any of them can roll a perfect 300 game they’ll win an addtional $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On.

But that’s not all!  Not only will this bowling competition feature a $1,000,000 insured prize (compliments of Odds On Promotions) and be held outdoors,  the event will also be broadcast nationwide on ESPN2 on July 3rd at 8:00 PM ET.

According to Damien Anderson, Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions, “It’s not every day we get to insure a televised million dollar 300 game at a traditional bowling facility, let alone outdoors.  And it’s particularly rewarding that we get to do so in our own backyard.”

Want to insure your own 300 game?  Our we’d be delighted to help you get the ball rolling on this or any of our other bowling promotions!  Give Odds On a call at 888-827-2249 or email us!

3 Bowling Promotion Ideas

Put on your bowling shoes and grab your best ball — bowling season is right around the corner!

Whether you plan on insuring candlepin bowling promotions or duckpin bowling promotions, Odds On has has a plethora of bowling promotions suited especially for you that can help increase foot traffic to your location and add some extra excitement to your bowling leagues!   Here are 3 to help give you some ideas:

1. 300 Game
This promotion, while very straight-forward, is still a big hit among the bowling crowd!  Bowl a perfect game (300 points), win a grand prize… compliments of Odds On Promotions!

2. Bowling Predictions
Predictions make great promotions.  Give bowlers the chance to predict the total number of strikes in a game, series, or season… or the series or final average of the players on their team.  Anything yet to be determined will work. When the future is unveiled, Odds On will be there to write the check!

3. 7-10 Split
Odds On’s most popular bowling promotion to date!  Give your contestants a chance to pick up the spare.  When a contestant successfully knocks down a machine-placed 7-10 split, Odds On will deliver the goods!

Not sure what the difference between candlepin bowling and duckpin bowling?  Here’s an easy way to remember it:

Candlepins are long and narrow… like a candle.

Duckpins are shorter and wider… like the body of a duck!

Want further information and pricing on one of these promotions?  Need more ideas?  Send us an email or give us a call at 888-827-2249 and we’ll help get you set up!

Happy Bowling!