Category Archives: Social Media Contests & Promotions

Social media promotions are proven to increase website traffic, grow your social audience, build your database, engage customers, and generate excitement around your company or brand.

Facebook Contest Ideas: Perfect for Small Businesses

facebook contest ideasAre you a small business or non-profit organization looking to increase fans and engagement on your Facebook page?  Look no further — Odds On Promotions has some great Facebook contest ideas to help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

A common misconception is that only big brand pages and corporations benefit from Facebook’s contesting features.  By tweaking your marketing strategies, we can show you that that’s not at all the case!  And the best part is that you don’t have to give away a prize worth thousands in order to succeed!  Discounts, merchandise, gift cards… the prize can be anything you want, and worth any amount!  Take a look at the Facebook contest ideas below:

1. Photo Contests
Photo contests are engaging and fun for all!  Invite your Facebook fans to submit photos to your wall.  If you’re a local restaurant or food chain, have your fans snap a picture of themselves eating at one of your locations!  Retailers and auto dealerships can also utilize this type of contest by having their fans submit pictures of themselves featuring their recent purchase(s).  Holding a promotion or special event?  Have them submit their best photo of themselves at the venue!  When your fan base votes on the submitted photos, you’re not only increasing exposure on your end, but also increasing traffic which can continue even well after the contest ends.

2. Guessing Game Contests
This type of contest leaves you with a wide variety of options.  Have your Facebook fans participate in a word jumble, guess a question related to your company/organization (e.g. What year did Odds On Promotions go into business?), post a picture and have your fans guess where and/or when it was taken… or even post a picture of a jar of M&Ms and have them guess how many are in there (the person who guesses closest to the actual number will win).  The choice is strictly up to you how you choose to administer a guessing game contest and which type to go with… the possibilities are endless!

3. Tie Your Contest Into a Current Event
Is your company/organization holding any type of online/internet promotion?  This is a perfect way to incorporate it with a Facebook contest!  For example, if you’re holding an online Easter-themed scavenger hunt promotion where visitors have to find a hidden Easter Egg which is located someplace on your website, the first fan who finds and clicks on it will be your contest winner!  Keep in mind: this can easily work with other types of events as well, not just online promotions.

Need more Facebook contest ideas?  Want Odds On to run and facilitate one for you (we’ll even create your artwork!), while you sit back and watch the ‘likes’ and engagement roll in?  Whatever the case may be, be sure to give us a call today at 888-827-2249… or email us!  You can also befriend Odds On Promotions on Facebook!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Odds On Helps Furniture Store Run Timeline-Friendly Spin & Win Promotion

Looking to hold a great Timeline-ready Facebook promotion to help generate leads and increase your ‘likes’ and fan base while also giving people a chance to win a big prize?
That’s exactly what this New Mexico furniture store plans on doing … with a little help from Odds On Promotions!

For a one-month period, this furniture store will hold a “Spin & Win” promotion on their Facebook page where users — once they they ‘like’ the furniture company’s page — can spin a virtual wheel to see if they’re an instant winner!

“Winner of what?”, you’re likely wondering.  How about $25,000 … all paid for by Odds On Promotions, should the lucky user happen to come across the “Congratulations!” message across the top of the wheel after they take their spin!

Looking for a custom-tailored Timeline-ready Facebook promotion of your own?  Give us a call today at 888-827-2249 … or feel free to email us for a free, no-obligation quote!

P.S. Speaking of ‘Timeline’ … you’ve seen ours, right?

Facebook Sweepstakes Helps ‘Sweep’ Up More Fans and Engagement

Want to boost engagement on Facebook’s new Timeline format but not sure where to start?    Odds On Promotions’ turnkey Timeline-friendly Facebook Sweepstakes will help boost your increase fan engagement, while capturing contact information for future marketing efforts, all for as little as $500.

Best part: Odds On will do it all for you while you merely sit back and watch your ‘likes’ and leads skyrocket.  Don’t have a “socially-savvy” audience?  If you prefer, you can hold the sweepstakes on your website!

It’s important to know that a variety of prizing options are available when it comes to Facebook Sweepstakes.  Whether you’re looking to give away a gift card, electronics package or maybe even an all expenses paid vacation package (if you’re feeling generous, that is), Facebook contesting through Odds On makes it all possible!

Looking to give away something bigger in value?  $20,000 cash, a new vehicle or specific merchandise from your retail location?  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 and we’ll give you a free, no-obligation quote on the insurance!  You can also email us.

According to Odds On Promotions Internet Business Development Manager Damien Anderson, “One of our clients, a Pennsylvania-based advertising company, is teaming up with a local hardware store to give a randomly selected Facebook user a $50 gift card to their store just for ‘liking’ their page.  This local business experienced well over a 50% increase in fans in just the first seven days of the promotion, with sustained grow and “conversations” over the 30 days of the contest.”

Update 4/2: Home construction company client whose promotion kicked off on March 30, 2012 also experiencing a huge increase in fans… 74 fans only three days into their month-long promotion!

Net More Traffic with a Basketball Bracket Promotion!

basketball bracket promotion - championship challengeSix weeks, sixty-four teams and millions of basketball fans add up to one very big marketing opportunity!

Take advantage of the hoopla surrounding the NCAA Men’s Basketball tournament this year by offering your customers a shot at winning up to $1,000,000 for correctly predicting a select number of the NCAA tournament game winners with a custom online Championship Challenge basketball contest from Odds On Promotions.

And don’t worry, when a lucky contestant picks them all right, we’ll be there to pay the prize!

Why Championship Challenge?
Odds On’s Online Championship Challenge basketball contest is an effective database builder and traffic driver.   This online bracket contest drives heavy repeat traffic as customers visit your website before, during and after the tournament to make their picks and check their standings.  Odds On’s Online Championship Challenge automatically includes a custom registration page that captures demographics and customer information for future marketing efforts and can run from your Facebook page helping you increase fan engagement. What’s more, this basketball promotion also acts as a viral marketing opportunity; both the “Tell a Friend” and “Buddy Tracker” features of the contests will allow you to build your database for future marketing efforts.  Want to drive in-store traffic?  Optional “access” code feature can be used  to drive traffic to your store front leading up to tip-off.

What’s Included with Championship Challenge?
1.) Up to $1,000,000 in prize insurance.  All of our prize packages are backed with A-rated underwriting, which ensures that when you have a big winner, we’ll be there to pay for the prize!
2.) A customized contest site with your name and logo, which are prominently displayed on all pages.
3.) A free Sweet 16 pool where every participant (and latecomer) gets a second chance to win a self-sponsored prize, driving traffic to your website all tournament long.
4.) 24-hour customer service.

For more information on Odds On’s basketball bracket promotion, Championship Challenge, feel free to give us a call at 888-827-2249… or email us!

All of our quotes are free and no-obligation! Get one today for this basketball bracket promotion!

Capture Fans with a Facebook Sweepstakes

facebook sweepstakes - spin and winWish you had more fans on your Facebook page? Interested in running a custom Facebook sweepstakes featuring a larger than life prize?  Want a custom welcome page or wish you had a “store locator” to help customers find you or find your products?

If you’re looking for ideas, tips and strategies to increase your fanbase and make your social media sites more effective at driving traffic and sales, it’s time to give Internet Business Development Manager Damien Anderson!

Check out Damien’s quick video overview of Odds On’s Facebook Sweepstakes, then pick up the phone; you can reach Damien at 800-504-9553.