Category Archives: Contests & Sales Promotions for Retailers

Drive more traffic and sales with a giant prize sales promotion for your retail location.

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Football Conditional Rebate Worth $1M… Car Buyer Chooses Team!

Are you a car dealership or retailer?  Have you ever thought about insuring a conditional rebate?  Chances are you’ll likely want to follow in the footsteps of this company after Zak Woodhead, Risk Manager at Odds On Promotions, fills you in on the spin they’ve put on this promotion!

A Florida car dealership has decided to run a football conditional rebate… but there’s a twist!  Instead of awarding customers a rebate (in this instance, a cumulative $1,000,000 worth) in the event that one college football team shuts out another, it has become a two-way street!  There’s no way the dealership can lose in a situation like this!

That’s right — if either team “shuts out” the other (in other words, if either team fails to post a score higher than ‘0’) during that particular game, certain customers will still be awarded a rebate on all purchases made between the specified promotion dates.  Why?  Because they’ll have the final say on which team will shut out the other!  And if they guess correctly, they’ll be the ones awarded the rebate on their purchase!

That, of course, means an increased chance of being able to hand out rebates to your customers… and of course, a surefire way of increasing sales at your location!

Interested in giving your customers the chance to win big with a football conditional rebate?  Just give Zak Woodhead a call at 800-315-4310 or simply email him for more information, as well as pricing!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Steal This Idea!

Linda Thomson, Sports Promotion Specialist with Odds On Promotions, is here today to share a great idea that this MiLB Team had, which can be incorporated into your next “big hit” promotion!

At this particular MiLB stadium, a different Tom Cruise movie was featured during this outstanding 4-night baseball event and attendees were able to score some fun, movie-themed loot at the same time!

The first evening featured Top Gun, where each attendee was given a set of aviators.
The second evening was Risky Business, where everyone got a pair of tightie whities.
Night number three featured Cocktail — everyone got a shot glass.
The final night, number four’s theme was Jerry Maguire, where mini footballs were given.

Once an individual collected all 4 pieces, they were able to come back for “Cruise Night”, where one lucky participant would win a cruise!

Great promotion, right?  What could possibly make it any better?  An insured element, of course!  If you’re running a promotion, the last thing you want is to have to pay out any cash and/or prizes out of your own pocket… so why not leave the risk in the hands of Odds On?

The good news is that you don’t need to be a sports team in order to insure a promotion like this.  No matter what type of business/organization you may be, there’s a great way to turn a brilliant idea such as this one into an insured promotion.  All you have to do is use movies and/or themes that relate to your line of business!

For example, pubs and bars may want to use movies such as Coyote Ugly, Casablanca, Road House or Studio 54.  Keep customers coming back 4 nights in a row to participate in your promotion by giving away memorabilia such as a Fez (Casablanca), a cowboy hat (Coyote Ugly), a copy of Dirty Dancing (RoadHouse) and a miniature disco ball (Studio 54).  Those who have managed to collect all 4 items will be put into a drawing to see which 1 individual will come back to participate in a Pick ‘Til You Win promotion where participants have a chance to win 1 large-valued cruise and 2 smaller-valued cruises!   This same concept can be used for retailers and car dealerships alike — simply choose movies and tangible objects that correlate with your industry.

Casino properties can have a 50’s movie-themed promotion.  Come in on 5 specified dates during the month to collect a toy car with your casino logo (Grease), miniature fake ball and chain (Jail House Rock), white t-shirt (Rebel Without a Cause), pair of fuzzy dice (American Graffiti) and a casino chip with a smiley face on it (Pleasantville).  At the end of the month, those who have all 5 collectibles get to come back for a 50’s-themed VIP party where individuals will have a chance to participate in a Zoom Ball promotion.  If anyone sucks up 6 particular balls into the “zoom zone” (for instance, 5 displaying the Pleasantville smiley face, plus a mega ball which serves as a multiplier), they’re an instant $50,000 winner!

Are you a media professional looking to make a pitch to group of clients?  Why not create a series of remotes built around a group of movies, albums, concerts – you name it!  And then distribute various prizes at live events over the course of a few weeks, with a final “party” at the end of the promotion.

There are endless possibilities for creating a completely customized program based upon your products, your audience and your own creativity!   Give Linda Thomson, or any of our other sales reps a call today to learn more about building your onw  “Collect to Be a Qualifier ” contest. Pick up the phone and dial today at 800-771-0250 or email us.  Whether you’re looking for pricing information or just stumped and need some ideas, we’re to help you with all of your promotional insurance needs!

Top 3 Holiday Promotions!

Make your advertising dollars work harder this season by giving customers an added incentive to shop with you!  Whether you’d like to drive more traffic, incent a purchase or recognize and reward your customers this holiday season, Odds On Promotions has a holiday contest for you!


Winning Winter Wonderland
Boost midweek traffic and sales by inviting your customers to stop by (or check in) at your location and pick up a Scratch, Match & Win card for a chance to win the ultimate holiday shopping spree- paid for by Odds On Promotions. Each affordable customizable card will feature your logo and – if you wish, information for a self-insured second-chance drawing or post holiday bounce-back offer. In order to win, customers simply scratch off six spots. If they unveil a winning combination of symbols, they’ll score your grand prize and Odds On will write you a check!
Click For More Information



Holiday Movie Millionaire
A Christmas Story, The Year Without a Santa Claus, Home Alone … everyone has a favorite holiday movie and that’s exactly what makes this promotion so much fun!

You’ll send us a list of holiday classics – be it movies, books or songs, and our promotion elves will put it in a predetermined order. If one of your lucky contestants can put those items in the exact same order, they’ll become an instant holiday millionaire, and Odds On Promotions will write the check!
Click For More Information


 $100,000 Gift Card Guess
Using Odds On’s number verification machine, shoppers enter their best guess as to the last several digits of a gift card worth $100K. If a lucky shopper enters the winning combination, they’ll score the big bucks, and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab!
Click For More Information


Liking what you see?  Hurry and give us a call today at 888-827-2249 to obtain a quote on any of these promotions, or if you have any other holiday promotion ideas!  The holiday season is almost here!

Sales Driving Promotions for Every Business

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the gaming industry, automotive industry, retail industry or otherwise — Odds On Promotions has some great promotions to assist you in driving sales this season!

Make Big Green on Black Friday
Retail Season is starting soon. Be your client’s hero and give them a great promotional idea that will make their registers ring … the chance to win a $1,000,000 shopping spree, paid for by Odds On Promotions.



“If it Snows On Christmas, All Your Purchases are Free”
Ideal for jewelry stores, auto dealers and furniture stores, a weather-based conditional rebate that not only drives traffic, but helps sales staff close more sales by offering just a little something extra than the place next door. And, if Mother Nature lets the snowflakes fly, your sponsor will get to kick back and take calls from the press, while Odds On Promotions writes the check! Not in snow country? No worries! This promotion can be built around any weather condition … including a record high or low!

Interested in obtaining a free, no-obligation quote?  Want to know more?  Feel free to give us a call at 888-827-2249 or just email us!

Odds On Mentioned in Retail Sales Publication (Kizer & Bender)

We are excited to announce that Odds On Promotions has been mentioned in Kizer & Bender’s column in the September 2011 issue of American Quilt Retailer!

(Click image to enlarge)

Authors Rich Kizer & Georganne Bender specialize in retail strategy, consumer research and consulting and provide sound advice on consumers and detailed information on the changing retail marketplace.

The article features Odds On Promotions’ weather-based conditional rebate promotion, in which consumers can offer customers rebates on purchases if a particular type and/or volume of weather occurs on a specific day.

Special thanks to Rich Kizer & Georganne Bender for the mention of Odds On Promotions and we hope all of you will give their website a visit!  Be sure to sign up for their free newsletter!