Category Archives: Contests & Sales Promotions for Retailers

Drive more traffic and sales with a giant prize sales promotion for your retail location.

Academy Awards Prediction Contest

academy awards prediction contestNeed a reason to throw a party – or move more merchandise – AFTER the Super Bowl?  Why not use Hollywood’s hottest night to give your customers, fans, patrons and players the chance to win $50K, courtesy of Odds On Promotions in an Oscar-worthy online Academy Awards prediction contest!

Talk about easy and hassle-free … customers simply visit your site, click on the contest logo and make their picks.  If one of your contestants can correctly predict a winning number of Academy Award winners, they’ll win your grand prize and Odds On Promotions will write the check!

Interested in test driving a demo?  Email us today!

P.S. Want to run a similar promotion but for the Grammys?  We’ve got you covered! Give us a call today at 888-827-2249!

Basketball Bracket Promotion That Nets Results!

basketball bracket promotion - championship challengeLike the idea of offering your audience a $1,000,000 basketball promotion, but don’t want to manage a bunch of paper?

Banish those bracket forms and eliminate the hassle of hand-tallying, while increasing traffic to your store, website and/or next live appearance with Championship Challenge, Odds On Promotions‘ turnkey online basketball bracket promotion for radio stations, TV stations, newspapers, retailers and casinos.

Talk about easy!  You’ll select an attention-grabbing prize – up to $1,000,000 – and invite your audience to your website to register for a chance to win.

Once on your website, contestants will click a link to the custom contest page that’s branded for your business and make their picks.  If a lucky fan predicts a winning number of games, they’ll score up to $1,000,000 and Odds On Promotions will write the check!

According to Chris Gardiner, Northeast & Midwest Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions, “This promotion has been very effective for a number of radio stations. Not only does it provide a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities including title sponsor, banner and video advertising on the game site, as well as consolation prize sponsorships, but it is a fun way to engage the audience; listeners can challenge and interact with each other as well as play against on-air talent.”

Brent Kelly, Odds On’s Southwest Business Development Manager sees Championship Challenge as a unique, “hands-free” way for casinos to run a basketball bracket promotion, “Many casinos love the concept of a bracket promotion but don’t want the hassel of managing the brackets … with this contest, no manual management is needed. What’s more, casinos  can qualify players in the days leading up to the Big Dance, distributing  a special access code at their player’s club booth, giving even the smallest of properties a great way to ‘pay’ for this ‘off-property’ contest!”

Evelyn Golding, Odds On’s Southeastern Business Development Manager notes, “For me the big bonus is what I like to call the  ‘Sweet 16 Second Chance’. This feature gives both radio stations and casinos the option of adding a second contest covering the last four rounds of play. This is not only a great way to get contestants that may have missed the first round engaged, it gives all participants a second chance to win big.”

Ready to learn more?  Email us at to access our demo site and/or request a free, no-obligation quote!

Make Someone a Mardi Gras Millionaire with a Lucky Bead or King Cake Cash Promotion!

As the say in the Big Easy … laissez les bon temps roulez (let the good times roll) with a million-dollar Mardi Gras Promotion from Odds On Promotions!

Odds On has a variety of Mardi Gras promotions designed to drive traffic between Twelfth Night (aka Epiphany – January 6th) right on through Fat Tuesday, February 21, 2012.

One of the most popular options… a Mardi Gras Pick’ Til You Win Lucky Bead game where contestants choose from 40 Lucky Envelopes each filled with a set of gold, green or purple beads.  Contestants select and then open “Lucky Envelopes”  donning the beads located inside. If your contestant collects five sets of gold beads before collecting five green or purple beads, they’ll they win your grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab. Assign a self-sponsored cash prize value to each set of green and purple beads and reward your contestants based on the total number of beads collected!   As an alternative, consider using a “King Cake” themed game board … with different trinkets worth different cash prizes.

Want to run this promotion without spending a ton of dough- but still attract a ton of attention?  Run a King Cake Dig! Purchase a few “king cakes”, select three contestants and have them dig, dig, dig through the cake to find the “trinket” inside. Give whomever finds the “trinket” first, the chance to select  from a display of Mardi Gras masks. If the lucky contestant selects the “Lucky Mask” – or a winning combination of masks-  they’ll win your grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab.

Ready to let the good times to roll? Email or give us a call today at 888-827-2249.

Want to learn more about King Cakes?  Check it out:

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Attention Marketers: Last Minute December Traffic Drivers!

Ready to have your biggest holiday season ever? Odds On Promotions has dozens of affordable, easy-to-run promotions designed to drive traffic and sales in any venue from now through New Year’s Day. Check out a few of our “fast and easy” holiday promotions below, and then give us a call today at 888-827-2249.




Scratch & Match For Holiday Cash
Give customers a million reasons to visit your location with Odds On’s Red or Green Scratch, Match & Win Cards. These cards give you the ability to offer prizes worth up to $1,000,000 for just pennies per card.  Simply advertise your prizes and distribute cards at your location and when one your customers unveils a winning combination of symbols, Odds On will pay for your prize.

Bonus: use the contact information on the reverse to hold a post-holiday prize giveaway to generate repeat traffic!
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Gift Card Vault
Want to turn a few heads this holiday season? With Odds On’s Plexiglass Prize Vault you can give customers the chance to “crack the code” and win dozens of holiday gift cards, a pile of holiday cash, or the keys to brand new car or truck, courtesy of Odds On Promotions.  Customers visiting your location simply enter a 6 or 7-digit number on the Prize Vault.  If a lucky contestant enters the winning combination, they’ll take home your grand prize (worth up to $1,000,000) and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab!
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Holi-Dice Roll
Give your customers the chance to roll and win up to $1,000,000 courtesy of Odds On with a set of customized dice!  If one of your contestants can roll a winning combination of letters  (S-A-N-T-A, M-I-L-L-I-O-N, N-E-W-Y-E-A-R, etc.) on our customized 1”, 4”, 8” or 16” dice, they’ll win the grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab.
More Info

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Learn How to Plan the Ultimate Poker Run Promotion

Are you planning on holding a Poker Run?  Well, hold onto your handlebars, because Odds On Promotions has come up with some great ideas to help ensure that you run the ultimate Poker Run party at your next event that will have participants itching to come back the following year for more!

1.)  Hold a Lucky Joker Poker Gameboard Promotion
Are you wanting to draw big attention to your event by giving a few lucky finalists the chance to win up to a $1,000,000?  Lucky Joker Poker, a poker-themed Pick ‘Til You Win game, does just that! The game board holds 40 envelopes, each of which is filled with one of three prize symbols. Contestants choose envelopes one at a time, until they collect five matching prize symbols, winning the corresponding prize. If your lucky contestant finds the five Royal Flush symbols first, Odds On will be there to pick up the tab!

Be sure to advertise the promotion at your event by making an online flyer that you can post somewhere visibly on your website and direct all potential attendees there.  Qualify your partipicants by holding a simple raffle or poker-themed prequalifer.  Another great idea would to have the top 3 finishers of the actual Poker Run come back to try their hand at Lucky Joker Poker.

Decorate the site of the promotion in joker or poker-themed props and/or decorations.  Be sure to create a banner (or have Odds On create one for you) for the occasion to catch the attention of your attendees.  Include not only the name, date and/or time of your event, but also announce the prize to be won at the promotion!  ‘Dress’ the site of the promotion by having volunteers wear joker costumes and have others hand out fun joker hats as complimentary gifts for those who participate in the promotion!

Holding a Lucky Joker Poker promotion in conjunction with your Poker Run will help increase the number of attendees at your event.  After all, there’s nothing quite like seeing a big grand prize advertised… OR having to worry about the risk of pay-out!

2.)  Insure a Dice Roll
Here’s a great promotion that combines the thrills of high-stakes poker with the fast-paced action of a dice roll! Contestants simply roll their way to fabulous prizes using Odds On’s customizable over-sized dice. When someone rolls the grand-prize winning combination of symbols (i.e. 10-J-K-Q-A, R-O-Y-A-L, or F-L-U-S-H), they’ll win your jackpot (up to $1,000,000) and Odds On will send you a check! Talk about easy money!

Looking for a unique qualifier?  Instead of holding a traditional Poker Run, have a Dice Run!  Rather than collecting cards during your Poker Run, players will roll dice at each stop.  The objective is to have the highest cumulative score, which is determined by the total sum of the dice rolls.  Bring the top 1-3 “high rollers” back to attempt the Dice Roll!

Don’t forget to award consolation prizes (fuzzy dice, anyone?) to everyone who doesn’t manage to roll the winning combination of letters, numbers and/or symbols!

Insuring a Dice Roll will be sure to attract foot traffic at your event, so you’ll definitely want to take the time to dress up your promotion!  If you still plan on incorporating poker into your event, have your contestants roll the dice onto a poker table (ideal for 1″ dice).  Serving hors d’oeuvres at your event?  Why not make some square-shaped marshmallow treats with chocolate chips which symbolize dice?  The possibilities are endless!

3.)  Insure a Lucky Hand Poker Run
A Poker Run whether by land, sea, or just at a special event is a proven fundraiser or simply just, fun! Register contestants and issue a list of five sponsor locations to visit.  At each location, contestants randomly draw a playing card.  After visiting all locations, they proceed to the final stop and enter their five cards into Odds On’s Verification Computer.  If their “lucky” hand matches the preselected winning hand, Odds On will pay for the prize! Better yet, the computer will also tally the highest hands for easy administration of self-sponsored prizes.

Looking to add in a little something extra to the traditional Poker Run?  While insuring a Lucky Hand Poker Run is undoubtedly a good approach to piquing your participants’ interest, you might want to consider having your participants participate in multiple, small insured promotions at each sponsor location they stop at.  Whether it be a small envelopes promotion, a zoom ball promotion or even a “lucky motorcycle” promotion, have the individual who is currently in the lead at the time try their luck at any one of our great contests!  On a budget?  Simply hold one of them at the final sponsor location stop!

Questions?  Ideas?  Pricing inquiries?  Give us a call at 888-827-2249… or as always, feel free to shoot us an email.