Category Archives: On-Air Promotions

Drive tune in during sweeps and targeted dayparts with a giant prize on-air promotion from Odds On Promotions.

Driver’s License Match Promotion: Perfect for Radio Stations!

Drivers License Match PromotionA radio station in the south recently gave fans the chance to win a giant prize in a Driver’s License Match promotion insured by Odds On Promotions!

During the month-long promotion, listeners tuned in daily for the cue to call.  The ‘nth’ caller then had the opportunity to match the last 4 digits of their driver’s license number with Odds On’s preselected 4-digit number.  If it ended up being a match, the lucky listener would win $50,000… paid for by Odds On Promotions!

On-Air License Match Games Made Easy

Drivers License Match Promotion - Online Verification“Our Driver’s License Match promotion, ‘Licensed 2 Win‘, is an extremely simple contest to hold on-air thanks to Odds On’s internet verification system”, explains Chris Gardiner, Northeast and Midwest Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions.  “When the caller is on the line, the DJ simply logs on to the online verification system and enters in the caller’s name, along with the license numbers the caller provides, to see if it’s a match.  If it isn’t, the window automatically closes.  If the number does match, then the DJ is prompted that they have a grand prize winner and to contact Odds On Promotions right away.”

Odds On’s Driver’s License Match promotion can be built using 3, 4, or 5 numbers based upon the sponsor and/or station’s budget, the length of the promotion and the size of the prize.

Interested in insuring your own Driver’s License Match promotion?  Give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us for a free, no-obligation quote and more information!  Any of our marketing specialists would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have!  You can also view the other radio station contests and promotions we have to offer.

CA Radio Station Insures $100K Birthday Match Promotion

Attention: radio stations!  Looking to boost your CUME and TSL?  Want to give all of those loyal listeners of yours a chance to win big just for tuning in?  Find out how this California radio station did just that… with a little help from Odds On Promotions!

All month long, in celebration of the radio station’s anniversary, listeners were able to call in to the station and give the DJ their birthday.  The DJ then input each caller’s birthday (2 digit month, 2 digit day and 2 digit year) into Odds On’s handheld verification system.

If the 6-digit number of their birthday (XX/XX/XX) happened to match Odds On’s preselected month, day and year, then the caller would have been an instant winner… and Odds On Promotions would have written them a check for $100,000!  All callers were given an auxiliary prize provided by the station just for playing!

Want to insure a Birthday Match promotion of your own?  Give Odds On Promotions a call today at 888-827-2249… or email us!  And whatever you do, don’t forget to give your listeners consolation prizes for managing to match the month and year, or day and year… whatever the case may be!

P.S.  Would you rather use the last 4-5 digit’s of the caller’s social security number or driver’s license number instead?  No problem!  Check out Odds On’s promotions Born 2 Win and Licensed 2 Win for more details… and be sure to ask about our easy-to-use Online Verification System feature!

Media Company Insures $100,000 TV Lotto Promotion

Radio and TV stations: are you ready to increase viewership/listenership?  Arizona-based media company is currently running a TV Lotto promotion, where viewers of a particular station will get the chance to win $100,000!  Here’s how:

Viewers who tune in to the station will visit 1 of 3 participating sponsor locations to pick up a scratch card.  The scratch card will reveal a list of 6 unique TV show/local sponsor names.

On the specified on-air draw date for the TV Lotto promotion displayed at the bottom of their card, each viewer will be instructed to view in and see if the 6 TV show/sponsor names’ corresponding numbers match what’s aired on the screen that day.  If so, they’re an instant $100,000 winner… just for showing up and tuning in!

And here’s a fun spin-off that Odds On Promotions can insure as well: a text-to-win promotion!

Rather than having your audience visit to a remote location to pick up cards, they can receive a text message displaying the itemized list instead!  The text message will also instruct you when to tune in to see if the numbers on your list match your texted numbers.

Be sure to advertise on-air, online via your company’s website and at remotes to get the most out of the promotion… and increase your chances at having a winner!  Going to end up with more participants than you initially thought and insured for?  No problem!  Give us a call and we can add additional attempts to your contract!

For more information on this promotion, or for a free, no-obligation quote, call us today at 888-827-2249 to speak to a marketing specialist.  You can also email us with any questions!

MI Broadcasting Co. Insures $50K Playlist Payoff Promotion

Attention: radio stations!  Looking to increase TSL and CUME while giving your loyal listeners the chance to win some major money?  Check out the Playlist Payoff promotion this broadcasting company in Michigan is running… and by all means, feel free to steal this idea for yourselves!

During the promotional period (in this case, one month), listeners will tune in and listen for a cue to call in every weekday and choose 3 songs from a list of 26.  If they can accurately pick the 3 songs that Odds On Promotions has preselected from the list, they’ll win great cash prizes thanks to Odds On’s grand prize coverage!

Here’s how it will work: On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 3 lucky listeners each day will have the opportunity to make their guesses and win an instant $10,000 for guessing the correct songs, compliments of Odds On!

Surely you’re wondering what happened to Thursday… are we right?  Well, Thursdays will be an extra special day for listeners, as 2 listeners each will have the chance to do the same… only this time, for 5x the insured prize amount!  That’s right: Thursday’s listeners who call in have a chance to win $50,000 for selecting the correct 3 preselected songs!

Tip: Increasing the prize value of your on-air radio promotion(s) on a day where CUME and/or TSL are usually low is a great way to ensure that your listener-base increases!  Nothing incentivizes listeners like grand prize coverage — especially $50,000 worth!

Ready to run a similar promotion of your own?  Need more promotion ideas for your station?  Give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249… or email us!  We’d love to help you out!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Television Stations: Increase Tune In & Drive Sales for Trade!

The Ultimate Watch & Win…

How would you like to:

• Promote Your Station Line Up
• Increase Viewers
• Drive Traffic To Local Retailers

And do it all for trade?

If the answer is yes, then you’ve got to watch this video on TV Lotto:

As you can see TV Lotto is the ultimate watch and win promotion – and its distributed exclusively by Incentive Plus Network, and underwritten by Odds On Promotions!
Over 350 TV stations already use IPN by trading their airtime.

Are you ready to join them? Want to learn more? Email us today!