Category Archives: Prize Insurance

Prize insurance gives marketers the ability to offer spectacular, attention-grabbing prizes that can be used to amplify engagement, create foot-traffic, motivate consumer behavior, generate sales, boost donations and increase publicity for a flat fee.

Prize Indemnity Insurance News from Odds On Promotions!

prize indemnity insurance newsletterAre you interested in obtaining prize indemnity insurance?  Care to read about grand prize winners, promotion stories/ideas and more?  Good news: the brand new issue of Odds On’s company newsletter, OnTarget, is finally here!

Be sure to check it out, then, give us a call at 888-827-2249 if you’re interested in insuring a prize indemnity insurance policy of your own!  If you’d like to receive future copies of OnTarget via email, feel free to subscribe – it’s free!

Summer Casino Promotions: New for 2013…

Looking for some great summer casino promotions for your property?  Check out these two great casino promotions from Odds On, which will assist in increasing traffic and coin-in at your property!  Simply click on the links for more information, or give one of our marketing specialists a call at 888-827-2249.  We’d be happy to assist you in making your next big promotion a success!


summer casino promotions gameboardSurf In & Win!
Summer-Themed Lucky Envelopes

Give your players the chance to score cash and prizes with Odds On’s beach-themed Pick ‘Til You Win Lucky Envelopes game, Surf In & Win. Select three prizes – two self-insured prizes (i.e. grills, personal watercrafts, etc.) and one giant insured grand prize – such as a speed boat, or everyone’s favorite $100,000 or more in cold, hard cash!

Contestants open envelopes, one at a time, until they collect five matching symbols representing one of the three prizes. If a lucky player collects the five grand prize winning symbols first, they’ll win big and Odds On will write the check!

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summer casino promotions - sports challengePick The Pros For Big Prizes
Sports Challenge

Drive traffic and play 7 days a week during football season by giving your players the chance to score up to $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On Promotions, with Pro Football Sports Challenge, a fun, easy and fully-automated “pick ’em” style football promotion. Players swipe their card, make their picks, and collect a receipt featuring their weekly picks, their prior week’s results and their year-to-date standings … no staff assistance required!

New for 2013: You’re no longer limited to the NFL! Choose your favorite NCAA colleges or conferences, and we’ll customize this promotion for your property!

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Trade Show Promotion: $50,000 Deluxe Zoom Ball

trade show promotion - zoom ballNot able to attract as many attendees to your trade show booth as you’d like?  Wondering what you can do to amplify the “Wow, what’s going on over there?” factor or make your pre-show mailer even more enticing?   

Odds On Promotions teams up with a variety of clients who run booths at trade shows… including a chemical company in Michigan who recently attended a liquid waste, sewer and drain cleaning-based trade show. 

trade show promotion - zoom ballDuring the trade show event, the chemical company ran Odds On’s Deluxe Zoom Ball promotion, which managed to catch attendees’ eyes and pique a lot of interest.  Here’s why: All weekend long, each attendee that visited the client’s booth got the chance to win a generous grand prize!

All attendees had to do was was press the magical red button on the Zoom Ball machine with the goal of collecting six orange-colored balls into the machine’s “Zoom Zone.”  If they did, they would have scored $50,000, compliments of Odds On Promotions!

What better way to attract a crowd than to offer an attention-grabbing prize?  Zoom Ball is just one of the many  trade show promotions we have available to our clients; however, the combination of the colorful LED lights and flying balls, makes the Zoom Ball impossible to miss!

Interested in insuring a Zoom Ball promotion at your next trade show appearance?  What are you waiting for?  Give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no obligation quote… or email us for more information!

Louisiana Casino Insures Million Dollar Zoom Ball Promotion!

Hey everyone!  One of my clients is at it yet again: using Odds On’s prize coverage to increase traffic and play at their location!

This time, one of my Louisiana casino properties will be insuring Odds On’s Zoom Ball promotion.  Not only that, but they’ll be running the contest for two whole months, giving players an increased chance at winning the big bucks!  Check out how the promotion is going to work, as well as the grand prize that’s at stake this time!

This Louisiana Casino Sure Knows How to Run a Winning Promotion… and Here’s Why:

louisiana casino insures zoom ball promotionDuring the two-month-long promotional period, players will be given the opportunity to approach the Zoom Ball machine and get the ball rolling (or balls, rather!) in attempt to win one of several amazing prizes.  Players simply press the red button which activates the “ball blower” on Odds On Promotions‘ Zoom Ball machine, then watch to see how many orange-colored balls land in the machine’s “Zoom Zone.”  While 6/6 orange-colored balls are required in order to win the insured grand prize, this Louisiana casino knows exactly how to run one heck of a promotion… by awarding players a variety of prizes regardless of how many winning balls they manage to get!

0/6 balls will automatically land the player $5 in free slot play.
1/6 balls will score the player $25 in free slot play.
2/6 balls means $50 in free slot play for that player.
3/6 balls lands a lucky player $100 in free slot play.
4/6 balls scores a player $250 in free slot play.
5/6 balls… $500 in free slot play for that player (woo-hoo!)

And at long last, here’s the answer to the question that you’ve undoubtedly been waiting to read about: What happens if a player manages to get 6/6 orange balls into the Zoom Ball machine’s “Zoom Zone?”  Well, would you believe me if I told you that they’d be a $1,000,000 winner, paid for by Odds On?  That’s right — Odds On Promotions will pay out one million dollars to any player who, during the 2-month-long promotional period, manages to collect 6 orange balls during any day the promotion is running!  Talk about one generous grand prize!  And the best part of it all is that Odds On’s prize indemnification insurance relieves the Louisiana casino of the risk of pay-out!

Did you know that Odds On’s Zoom Ball promotion also allows for multiple colored balls to be used?  It’s true — just contact us for details, as well as a free, no-obligation quote, at 888-827-2249.  You can also email us for more information!  We’ll help you make the most of your next casino promotion with one of our hottest-selling promotions this year: Zoom Ball!