Wondering what a football has to do with a basketball promotion? Read on to find out…
Looking to run a more creative basketball promotion at your next game? One university in the Northern U.S., recently teamed up with a local appliance store to sponsor a football target toss promotion during a basketball game- generating big excitement among the school’s devoted fans!
A week prior to game day, fans had the opportunity to register online for a chance to have dinner with one of this university’s former Heisman Trophy winners, as well as score a pair of tickets to the big game!
Another lucky fan, also chosen via random online registration, received a big dollar opportunity: the chance to throw a football 25 yards through a target template placed in the middle of the basketball arena! If the lucky fan made it, the contestant would have been a $25,000 winner, and Odds On would have cut a check for the prize.
While unfortunately, there was no grand prize winner, a good time was still had by all and the fans in the stands couldn’t have been more excited to see one of their fellow supporters being given the chance to win big, compliments of Odds On Promotions!
Online Selection for Basketball Promotions Made Easy
While running a football-themed promotion at a basketball game is a creative way to engage fans, using an online registration process to select a contest participant is an effective way to drive traffic to your web and social media sites.
And Odds On Promotions’ customizable online contest registration makes it easier than ever to run an online to on-court or on-field contest. Simply choose from one of our stock registration designs, or let Odds On customize a registration form to highlight your organization or contest sponsor. Then simply place the game code on your website or social media page and start promoting your event. Contestants simply complete the online form, submit their entry, and receive a confirmation email. At the end of your registration period, you’ll simply select a winner – or if you prefer Odds On can do the honors.
Interested in learning more? Check out this online contest registration demo then give us a call today at 888-827-2249.