Category Archives: Online Contests & Promotions

Online contests and promotions are proven to increase website traffic, grow your social media audience, build your database, engage customers, and generate excitement around your company or brand.

Online Retailer Insures $100,000 Hair-Raising Offer

online retailer - free hair for life

Are you an online retailer looking to increase your online traffic? How about giving your customers the chance to win $100K or “free hair for life” for visiting your site?

Starting today,, an Atlanta, GA based online retailer of hair extensions will be giving customers the chance to win $100,000, free hair for life, bundles of hair, discounts, complimentary shipping and more in an online instant win game insured by Odds On Promotions.

According to Odds On’s Damien Anderson, “Starting October 5th, clients who click on the promotional banner located on the client’s web and social media sites, will be directed to an online instant win game that will prompt customers to enter their contact information for a chance to Spin and Win a prize.  If wheel stops in the just the right location they will win $100,000 paid for by Odds On,  or one of a selection of consolation prizes paid for by Odds On.”

Interested in adding more names to your database? Want to give your customers the chance to instantly win a giant cash prize or a life-time supply of your merchandise?
Give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249.

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Online Promotion Ideas: Need One? Check This Out…

Is your business in need of some great online promotion ideas?  Are you looking to collect valuable marketing information in the process?  I recently assisted a mortgage company based in Virginia in insuring an online Facebook Instant Win promotion.

After sharing with me that their goal was to increase their Facebook fanbase via an instant win promotion, I suggested that the mortgage company run a month-long Prize Vault contest on their Facebook page featuring a $25,000 prize!

To kick off the contest, the mortgage company announced the start of their promotion in their target market areas using direct mail, social media and email blasts.  Recipients were instructed to ‘like’ the company’s Facebook page for the chance to  to participate in the online Prize Vault instant win promotion.

In order to better understand who the participants were, when the fans logged in with their email address, they had to answer  a few brief questions before playing the actual game.  Once the game was activated, and the “prize vault” was displayed on the screen, fans then got the chance to move the four dials on the vault and choose a ‘lucky combo’ of numbers which would hopefully open the vault…  and reveal the insured grand prize of $25,000, paid for by Odds On!

While unfortunately, there was no grand prize winner, a variety of smaller auxiliary prizes, provided by the mortgage company, were randomly awarded to those who participated.  These consolation prizes consisted of iPad Minis, Kindle Fires, Amazon Gift Cards and gift cards to Outback Steakhouse.

What I love about Odds On’s online promotions is that you don’t have to worry about facilitating the promotion once the contest is up on your page. We collect the marketing data, our system randomly determines the winner and all you have to do is sit back and relax, knowing that it’s all in the hands of Odds On Promotions. Interested in experiencing a live demo of our “Prize Vault” instant win game?  Check it out, then watch the commercial below.  Feel free to give us a call at 888-827-2249 for more online promotion ideas.  You can also visit our website for more ideas, or email us with any questions!

On-Pack Promotions: Pentel Gives Consumers Chance to Win $500K

on-pack promotionsBig news here at Odds On Promotions!  Pentel reached out to me, inquiring about on-pack promotions.  Thankfully, I was able to help them insure the perfect on-pack promotion that would not only increase awareness of their EnerGel-X line of pens, but also increase sales at participating retail stores during the back-to-school season… all the while, giving one lucky individual the chance to win money for both themselves and their school!

Here’s how the promotion works: Approximately 700,000 specially-marked packages of Pentel’s EnerGel-X pens will be distributed to stores nationwide, each of which contain a unique prize code which is revealed once the package of EnerGel-X pens are opened.  The consumer will then go to Pentel’s website to enter in the code in hopes of “unleashing the power of Pentel” during their super hero-themed promotion, which helps capitalize upon all of the super hero movies of the season.

The ‘power’ in question just so happens to be a $500,000 insured grand prize – $250,000 for you, $250,000 for your school!  Compliments of Pentel for purchasing their EnerGel-X pens… and paid for by Odds On Promotions, of course!

And it’s not ‘Game Over’ if no one happens to have the winning prize code!  That’s because Pentel will be giving away a secondary prize during the promotion: Power of Pentel Backpacks!  Additionally, they’ll be hosting giveaways at their social properties throughout the duration of the contest for more opportunities to win prizes.

We’re all very excited to find out if Pentel will end up having a $500,000 winner by the time the promotion ends this Fall.  It’s been such a pleasure working with Pentel; I’ve been extremely impressed with the presentation of their on-pack promotion and I’m beyond thankful to have them as a client.  Be sure to watch their commercial at the bottom of this blog post!

If you’re interested learning more about on-pack promotions, be sure to give Odds On Promotions a call today at 888-827-2249.  You can also email us for a free, no-obligation quote.  Be sure to check out our website for more retail promotion ideas… or better yet, let us know if you have one of your own!

Fall Promotion Ideas for Every Business!

Looking  Fall promotion ideas that will drive more traffic during your “No Sales Tax Weekend” or “Back to School” sale?  Want to make your Labor Day Sale a “not to be missed” event or throw a spooktacular Halloween celebration?  Check out some of our most popular seasonal promotions below, and then give us a call today at 888-827-2249 for more Fall promotion ideas for your business.

fall promotion ideas - cauldrons

Cauldrons of Cash and Prizes
Scare up more business this October with a Truck or Treat, Lucky Pumpkin Pick, or a Cauldron of Cash and Prizes promotion! Odds On will send you a set of our Lucky Envelopes each containing a prize symbol, which you’ll place on display inside black plastic cauldrons or little orange pumpkins. If a lucky contestant can select the envelopes holding the winning combination of symbols, Odds On Promotions will treat them to your giant prize!
Learn About Lucky Envelopes

fall promotion ideas - football

Football Season
Are you ready to score big points with football fans? Want to give your customers the chance to kick, toss or text their way to incredible prizes? Looking to increase sales, support the home team or make a big splash at the big game? Odds On Promotions can help!  Email or give us a call today for a copy of our Football Promotions Playbook!
More Football Promotions

fall promotion ideas - shop spin win

Shop, Spin & Win
Reward shoppers during your Tax-Free or Back to School Sale with the chance to win cash and prizes, paid for by Odds On Promotions with a Shop, Spin & Win promotion. Distribute play codes during your sale, directing shoppers to your web or social site to enter their code for a chance to Spin & Win more prizes. If a lucky shopper has the winning touch, they’ll win your grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab. Perfect for awarding discounts and post-sale bounce-back offers.
Shop, Spin, and Win

Happy Birthday! Car Dealer’s Online Birth Date and Weight Promotion Features $30K Prize!

online promotionOne of the best parts about working at Odds On Promotions is seeing how creative our customers can get when it comes to promotions!

Check out how this car dealership in the South created an online promotion around their spokeswoman’s pregnancy.

Yes, you read that right. The dealership built a fantastic guess and win promotion built around their spokeperson’s baby’s birthday.

In a bid to generate donations for a local charity while creating a buzz, a Toyota dealership is giving locals the opportunity to win a 2013 Toyota Sienna, paid for by Odd On, based on the baby’s due date and weight!

Participants can submit entries via an online Facebook contest, or at the dealership’s website.  The individuals who came the closest – or gets an exact match –  will then get the chance to participate in a Pick ‘Til You Win Lucky Envelopes promotion, which will take place at the dealership.

In a Pick ‘Til You Win Lucky Envelopes contest, contestants select envelopes, and open them one at a time revealing one of 3 different prize symbols. When they get 5 matching inserts, they win the indicated prize.

In this contest, if the five grand prize winning inserts are collected first, the lucky finalist will instantly win a brand new 2013 Toyota Sienna, valued at $30,000… and paid for by Odds On Promotions!

We’ll have to wait a few months to see if there’s a winner, but we think this one is a winner for charity and the dealership right now!

Need an attention-grabbing online promotion of your own?  Whether it’s for a charity or your in need of an online promotion for an autodealer,  give us a call at 888-827-2249 or email us for a free, no-obligation quote!