$10,000 Grand Slam Inning winner from 2011’s baseball promotion!
Does your casino sponsor a sports team? I recently helped a Minor League Baseball team in the West Coast insure both a Grand Slam Inning promotion, as well as a Jumbo Dice Roll contest in order to drive traffic back to the casino sponsor’s property… for the 6th year in a row!
Here’s how the casino made the most of their sports sponsorship:
The property insured a Grand Slam Inning promotion during every game this season. One lucky fan was selected at random before each game and got the chance to win $10,000 in cash if the 4th batter of the team managed to hit an out-of-the-park grand slam homer during the 6th inning of any of the games. Prize paid for by Odds On Promotions, of course!

$5,000 Casino Dice Roll Winner from 2009’s promotion!
Meanwhile, as a season-long traffic driver, a Jumbo Dice Roll promotion was held at the local casino, on the same dates as each of the baseball games. Fans who visited the casino after each game got the chance to be one of the lucky pre-selected players to participate in the dice roll contest. One player on each promotion date rolled six custom jumbo dice. If all six dice that were rolled landed with the casino’s logo face-up, they would have won $45,000, paid for by Odds On!
But wait, there’s more — if a player happened to roll the dice and 5/6 logos displayed face-up after the roll, they would have still scored $5,000, paid for by Odds On Promotions! That’s a total of $50,000 in promotion insurance!
While there was no winner this time around, the baseball team, as well as the casino, have both had winners in the past! In 2009, there was a $5,000 Dice Roll contest winner and in 2011, there was a $10,000 Grand Slam Inning promotion winner!
Interested In a Casino Sports Sponsorship?
Want to insure a casino sports sponsorship promotion of your own? Give Odds On Promotions a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote… or email us and we’ll be sure to get back to you promptly!
P.S. Be sure to check out the other sports promotions and casino promotions we have to offer! Don’t see anything that catches your eye? Have your own custom promotion idea? Feel free to let us know and we’ll price it out for you!