Category Archives: Casino Contests & Promotions

Increase your player’s club membership, reward rated players, enhance existing direct mail campaigns and generating additional traffic and incremental gaming revenues with Odds On Promotions.

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Maximum Floor Play


Got your attention?  Well, here’s an offer that will grab the attention of your casino players: winning $50K, $100K or $1MM mystery jackpot, for playing their favorite slot machine while using their club card!

We’ll preselect a “mystery” slot on your casino floor. If a player hits the max jackpot with max coin-in bet while playing with their club card on this “mystery machine”, they’ll receive a mega-sized bonus, and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab!

Got any other questions?  Let us know!  Send us an email or give us a call at 888-827-2249!

$111,111 Roll for Riches


Here’s a Craps-themed game from Odds On Promotions that works from Halloween right on through ’til 11-11-11 (Veterans Day). Holy ravioli!

Here’s how it works: each section of the “table” (aka the game board) has 4 Lucky Envelopes, each filled with a picture of a pair of dice, and worth a guaranteed “passline” bet (i.e. $100, $250, $500, etc.) based on your guaranteed prize budget.

Your contestant will select an envelope and open it to reveal their “roll”. With every winning “roll” (7 or 11), they’ll advance, adding to their prize total. “Roll” a 2, 3, or 12 and they’ll crap out, keeping all the cash they’ve “won”. Make it all the way around the table, and they’ll win $111,111, and Odds On Promotions will write the check!

For even more fun: Help recognize the efforts of those who have served their country by holding two contests: one at 11a.m. and the other at 11p.m. on 11/11/11 in honor of Veterans Day!

So grab your phone and dial 888-827-2249 or email us by “rolling” your mouse cursor over that link for further details… we’re here to answer any questions you may have!

Beat the Heat Blackjack Promotion Idea



It’s already mid-May… better hurry up and “beat the heat” with Odds On Promotions’ Blackjack Bonus promotion!  Perfect for the month of August!

Qualify players via weekly tournaments, points earned, selected hands, or all of the above, and invite them back each week (or at month’s end) and draw 7 lucky players, giving them the chance to play a single hand of blackjack for a $10,000, $25,000, $50,000 or even a $1,000,000 prize. If someone has the winning combination of cards, they’ll win the big bucks, and Odds On Promotions will write the check!

Sound good to you?  Have any other questions about this promotion?  Either email or give us a call at 888-827-2249 for pricing and further details!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Attention Casinos: It’s Time to Fuel Your Business


Increase traffic and sales with a promotion that offers free fuel, hybrid cars and “carpool discounts”…

In case you’ve missed the headlines, prices at the pump (not to mention the grocery store) are up. In fact, many households are spending as much as 10% or more of their income on fuel.

For savvy casinos marketers, fuel-based promotions and prizes present a number of great opportunities for attracting new customers and increasing sales:

Have the cheapest gas in town? Run a pump & play promotion using barcodes and Odds On Promotions Video Scratch & Win games to introduce those fueling up to the fun & fortunes available on your casino floor.

Looking for an attraction that will encourage customers to go the distance? Offer the chance to win up a tanker truck full of free fuel or His & Her Hybrids with an odometer match using Odds On Promotions handheld.

Closest to the market? Lucky you! But hey, don’t rest on your luck. Use this opportunity to expand your database by offering bonus to anyone who “carpools” (aka brings a friend who’s not already a member).

Looking for more ideas? Email or give us a call today at 888-827-2249.