Category Archives: Casino Floor Promotion Ideas

Looking for some engaging, high-impact floor promotions for your casino property?  Odds On Promotions has hundreds of customizable games, contests, and promotions that will help you attract, capture and hold casino players.

Casino Floor Promotion: The Big Draw Insured by Casino… RENEWED!

casino floor promotion - the big drawI’m excited to announce that one of my Louisiana casino properties – the one that insured a  Million Dollar New Year’s Eve Big Draw casino floor promotion had amazing success!  They increased traffic, kept people on their property for a longer duration of time, and were able to increase their coin-in that day!

And, it’s because of those amazing results that they’ve decided to renew their contract with Odds On Promotions and insure it again — this time, for an entire month!

During the one-month promotional period, players will be able to participate in this lotto-based casino floor promotion by simply swiping their Player’s Club card and choosing six lucky numbers on the touchscreen of one of Odds On’s 4′ x 8′ deluxe kiosks.  They will also have the option to select the ‘Quick Pick’ button on the game’s touchscreen and have their numbers chosen for them at random!

Once the players finish selecting their numbers on the touchscreen of the kiosk, they will receive a printed ticket, notifying them of the next “draw time”, which states when and where the lucky numbers will be announced.  Come draw time, an on-site promotion official will conduct the drawing using Odds On’s “Big Draw” ball draw machine (Zoom Ball machine).  Six randomly numbered balls will be collected into the machine’s “Zoom Zone” to determine the winning numbers.  Should any player’s six numbers on their drawing ticket happen to match the six numbers collected in the ball draw machine, they’ll be cashing out $1,000,000 richer, compliments of Odds On!

I personally love The Big Draw — not only is it an exciting promotion to run and participate in, but this particular casino floor promotion actually entices players to stay on property for a longer period of time than usual to if they’re a grand prize winner!

Interested In a Casino Floor Promotion of Your Own?

If you’re interested in this particular casino floor promotion, or any of the other casino promotions we have to offer, please give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us for more information.  Not only will we provide you with a free, no-obligation quote, but we’ll do whatever we can to ensure that your next casino promotion will help achieve the results that your property is looking to obtain — that’s a promise!

Slot Tournament Performance Bonus Insured By California Casino

slot tournamentBrent Kelly, Western Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions, shares an idea for holding more successful slot tournaments… 

This Spring I assisted a California casino client in adding some sizzle to a slot tournaments with an a unique insured prize promotion called a performance bonus.

While performance bonuses are generally used to motivate professional athletes, coaches, teams, or sales departments, they can be used in a variety of ways … including casino promotions such as slot, poker and other table games tournaments.  As the name implies, a bonus is awarded if a particular level of performance is achieved.

For this event, a 3-day slot tournament, players could qualify for a “performance bonus” – and be eligible to win up to $160,000 in cash –  based on their tournament play.

Here’s how it worked…

Each contestant was randomly assigned a slot machine for each of  round of tournament play.  If a player ended up finishing all three rounds with the highest score, they would have been awarded $100,000… and Odds On would have written the check for the prize!

If a player consistently finished with one of the top 5 highest scores during all three rounds, they would be awarded $50,000.  And if  any player who finished the tournament having landed in the top ten during all three rounds, Odds On would have paid out Odds On would have paid out $10,000.

Slot Tournament: Multiple Ways to Win!

Three days of slots, three chances to win additional cash – and the property only had to pay a fraction of cost of the prize so they were able to advertise a substantially larger prize pool without having to risk the cost of a payout!  It doesn’t get any better than that!

Let us help you make one of your players a winner by insuring a grand prize at your upcoming slot tournament — just give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote.  You can also email Odds On Promotions for more information!

Summer Casino Promotions: New for 2013…

Looking for some great summer casino promotions for your property?  Check out these two great casino promotions from Odds On, which will assist in increasing traffic and coin-in at your property!  Simply click on the links for more information, or give one of our marketing specialists a call at 888-827-2249.  We’d be happy to assist you in making your next big promotion a success!


summer casino promotions gameboardSurf In & Win!
Summer-Themed Lucky Envelopes

Give your players the chance to score cash and prizes with Odds On’s beach-themed Pick ‘Til You Win Lucky Envelopes game, Surf In & Win. Select three prizes – two self-insured prizes (i.e. grills, personal watercrafts, etc.) and one giant insured grand prize – such as a speed boat, or everyone’s favorite $100,000 or more in cold, hard cash!

Contestants open envelopes, one at a time, until they collect five matching symbols representing one of the three prizes. If a lucky player collects the five grand prize winning symbols first, they’ll win big and Odds On will write the check!

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summer casino promotions - sports challengePick The Pros For Big Prizes
Sports Challenge

Drive traffic and play 7 days a week during football season by giving your players the chance to score up to $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On Promotions, with Pro Football Sports Challenge, a fun, easy and fully-automated “pick ’em” style football promotion. Players swipe their card, make their picks, and collect a receipt featuring their weekly picks, their prior week’s results and their year-to-date standings … no staff assistance required!

New for 2013: You’re no longer limited to the NFL! Choose your favorite NCAA colleges or conferences, and we’ll customize this promotion for your property!

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Louisiana Casino Insures Million Dollar Zoom Ball Promotion!

Hey everyone!  One of my clients is at it yet again: using Odds On’s prize coverage to increase traffic and play at their location!

This time, one of my Louisiana casino properties will be insuring Odds On’s Zoom Ball promotion.  Not only that, but they’ll be running the contest for two whole months, giving players an increased chance at winning the big bucks!  Check out how the promotion is going to work, as well as the grand prize that’s at stake this time!

This Louisiana Casino Sure Knows How to Run a Winning Promotion… and Here’s Why:

louisiana casino insures zoom ball promotionDuring the two-month-long promotional period, players will be given the opportunity to approach the Zoom Ball machine and get the ball rolling (or balls, rather!) in attempt to win one of several amazing prizes.  Players simply press the red button which activates the “ball blower” on Odds On Promotions‘ Zoom Ball machine, then watch to see how many orange-colored balls land in the machine’s “Zoom Zone.”  While 6/6 orange-colored balls are required in order to win the insured grand prize, this Louisiana casino knows exactly how to run one heck of a promotion… by awarding players a variety of prizes regardless of how many winning balls they manage to get!

0/6 balls will automatically land the player $5 in free slot play.
1/6 balls will score the player $25 in free slot play.
2/6 balls means $50 in free slot play for that player.
3/6 balls lands a lucky player $100 in free slot play.
4/6 balls scores a player $250 in free slot play.
5/6 balls… $500 in free slot play for that player (woo-hoo!)

And at long last, here’s the answer to the question that you’ve undoubtedly been waiting to read about: What happens if a player manages to get 6/6 orange balls into the Zoom Ball machine’s “Zoom Zone?”  Well, would you believe me if I told you that they’d be a $1,000,000 winner, paid for by Odds On?  That’s right — Odds On Promotions will pay out one million dollars to any player who, during the 2-month-long promotional period, manages to collect 6 orange balls during any day the promotion is running!  Talk about one generous grand prize!  And the best part of it all is that Odds On’s prize indemnification insurance relieves the Louisiana casino of the risk of pay-out!

Did you know that Odds On’s Zoom Ball promotion also allows for multiple colored balls to be used?  It’s true — just contact us for details, as well as a free, no-obligation quote, at 888-827-2249.  You can also email us for more information!  We’ll help you make the most of your next casino promotion with one of our hottest-selling promotions this year: Zoom Ball!

Invited Guest Casino Promotion: $25K Lucky Envelopes Contest!

invited guest casino promotionLooking for a great promotion to insure during an invited guest promotion at your casino property, which will increase play and traffic?  Evelyn Golding, Southeast Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions, is here to tell you about an invited guest casino promotion from a property in the Southern U.S., which recently held a Lucky Envelopes contest worth some major moolah!

VIP Lucky Envelopes Promotion

On the specified promotion date, a total of 2,250 invited guests (Player’s Club Members) received a chance to reach into the casino’s “prize barrel” and grab one of Odds On’s Lucky Envelopes, which contained a free slot play amount ranging from $5-$500.  Among all of the envelopes were five special “Looney Cash” envelopes, each of which contained a special insert.

The five lucky players who got one of the five special inserts, then got the chance to participate in the insured Lucky Envelopes promotion, complete with a custom game board!

Each of the five lucky players got to pick 2 out of 25 envelopes displayed on the game board.  If the two envelopes they chose ended up containing matching grand prize winning symbols, they would have won an instant $25,000… paid for by Odds On Promotions!

I love this particular promotion, especially since the casino opted to up the ante, giving each of the five players who participated in the insured promotion a chance to win the $25,000 grand prize.  Theoretically, if each of the five players were to have chosen the two lucky winning inserts, they each would have received the full prize value, which would have meant a grand total payout of $125,000!

Interested in insuring an invited guest casino promotion of your own?  Check out our casino promotions, then give one of our casino marketing specialists a call at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote on a customized contest of your choice, as well as some ideas on how you can increase traffic and coin-in in the process!

You can also email us at any time.

P.S. Interested in purchasing your own customized game board to go along with your next Lucky Envelopes promotion?  Check out the stock designs we have available, or feel free to contact us with your own customized idea!