Category Archives: Casino Floor Promotion Ideas

Looking for some engaging, high-impact floor promotions for your casino property?  Odds On Promotions has hundreds of customizable games, contests, and promotions that will help you attract, capture and hold casino players.

Introducing Odds On Promotions’ Top 5 Poker Promotions


top 5 poker promotionsRaise more money at your next poker run with one of these top 5 poker promotions!

Planning show & shine or other event featuring a poker run? Whether your event takes place on land or sea, these Top Five Poker Promotions are a great way to generate publicity, increase participation and add excitement to your event by giving everyone who participates the chance to win motorcycles, cars, boats – even $1,000,000, paid for by Odds On!

For more information, give us a call at 888-827-2249 or simply send us an email if you’d a free quote or need further information.

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Maximum Floor Play


Got your attention?  Well, here’s an offer that will grab the attention of your casino players: winning $50K, $100K or $1MM mystery jackpot, for playing their favorite slot machine while using their club card!

We’ll preselect a “mystery” slot on your casino floor. If a player hits the max jackpot with max coin-in bet while playing with their club card on this “mystery machine”, they’ll receive a mega-sized bonus, and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab!

Got any other questions?  Let us know!  Send us an email or give us a call at 888-827-2249!

$111,111 Roll for Riches


Here’s a Craps-themed game from Odds On Promotions that works from Halloween right on through ’til 11-11-11 (Veterans Day). Holy ravioli!

Here’s how it works: each section of the “table” (aka the game board) has 4 Lucky Envelopes, each filled with a picture of a pair of dice, and worth a guaranteed “passline” bet (i.e. $100, $250, $500, etc.) based on your guaranteed prize budget.

Your contestant will select an envelope and open it to reveal their “roll”. With every winning “roll” (7 or 11), they’ll advance, adding to their prize total. “Roll” a 2, 3, or 12 and they’ll crap out, keeping all the cash they’ve “won”. Make it all the way around the table, and they’ll win $111,111, and Odds On Promotions will write the check!

For even more fun: Help recognize the efforts of those who have served their country by holding two contests: one at 11a.m. and the other at 11p.m. on 11/11/11 in honor of Veterans Day!

So grab your phone and dial 888-827-2249 or email us by “rolling” your mouse cursor over that link for further details… we’re here to answer any questions you may have!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

Cool Toys for Big Boys: A Father’s Day Promotion

Looking for a creative offer for Dads (or maybe some recent college grads)? Give your players the chance to Pick & Win a sizzlin’ hot set of wheels, courtesy of Odds On Promotions.

 It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Advertise the chance to win $100,000, paid for by Odds On Promotions, for playing at your property.

2. Odds On will ship you a larger than life game board with 20 shelves where you can place up to 20 amazing gadgets (iPads, laptops, iPhones, televisions, DVDs) each of which corresponds to a numbered Lucky Envelope containing a prize symbol.

3. At the end of your qualification period, select your lucky contestants and give them the chance to “Pick & Win”. If your lucky player finds the 2 lucky gadgets with matching prize symbols, they’ll score your grand prize, paid for by Odds On. Or, they’ll get a get to keep their choice of  the “toys” they selected.

Take this promotion to another level! Let Odds On ship you a lighted, larger-than-lifesize custom board shaped to match whatever gadgets you’d like to give away.


Looking for more good ideas? A great casino promotion is never more than a phone call away. Call us today at 888-827-2249 or email us if you have any questions about the promotion discussed above!

Odds On Promotions logo with phone

$1,000,000 Windependence Weekend

Curious as to what kinds of prizes are generating responses right now? Our reps report that free gas, cash for gas and gas cards are driving big traffic in nearly every venue as are cash, iPads, and the those slick three-wheel’d Can-Ams. While iPads & Can-Ams make for great guaranteed prizes, why not up the ante and and let Odds On craft a super sized promotion where you can offer 2X, 3X or 10X the prizes and let us cover the cost!?!

Make summer’s biggest weekend even bigger when you give your players the chance to win jet skis, boats, cars plus $1,000,000 with Odds On “Windependence Weekend” giveaway. Choose three prizes per day – one grand prize paid for by Odds On ($1,000,000), and two self-insured prizes (jet ski, boat, etc). Your players then select & open Lucky Envelopes until they collect five matching prize symbols, winning the indicated prize. Pick the grand prize and Odds On will write the check!

Feel free to email us if you’d like a quote on our Windependence Weekend promotion or give us a call today at 888-827-2249 if you have any questions or other ideas of your own!