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Get on a Roll for Tax R-E-L-I-E-F: Casino Dice Roll Promotion

Odds On Promotions Western Business Development Manager, Brent Kelly, shares a colorful way to drive increased casino play this April: a giant-prize dice roll promotion!

Dice Roll for Dollars

Let’s face it, this year, everyone could use a little tax relief. And that’s one of the reasons why I’m suggesting that companies consider marketing into Monday, April 15 – Income Tax Day – particularly since so many people now file their taxes electronically.

One the more entertaining ways to hand out a little relief is with a set of Odds On’s
custom 1″, 4″ or 8″ dice.  In a dice roll promotion, you’ll give qualifiers the chance to spell a particular word – in this case – R-E-L-I-E-F,  as in tax relief, or collect a winning combination of letters and numbers (e.g. 1-0-4-0-E-Z) in order to win $50,000, $100,000, $500,000 or more.

However, another creative way to customize your dice is to feature a different color on each die face – so that with every roll, your players spell RELIEF, reinforcing the theme of the promotion. Here’s just one way you might want to run a casino dice roll…

1.  Draw a contestant every half hour from 3pm-Midnight on Saturdays and Sundays in April, giving players the chance to roll and win up to $1,040 or more  in cash, slot play or points based on how many matching colored letters they roll.

2. In addition to your weekend rolls,  on Monday, April 15, hold a special Tax RELIEF roll where you’ll draw 15 lucky players and give them each the chance to roll R-E-L-I-E-F in a matching color, and win $150,000, paid for by Odds On.

3. Make this one even more affordable – and more rewarding for your players, by teaming up with a local tax preparation service to assist with consolation prizes.

Want more information on developing a custom giant-prize dice roll that will help you drive incremental gaming revenue, while rewarding your players? Give us a call today at 888-827-2249.