Author Archives: Kristen Carter

About Kristen Carter

Kristen Carter was the Marketing Coordinator for Odds On Promotions and it's sister company, Hole In One International. From 2011-2013 and 2013-2021.

Facebook Contest Ideas: Perfect for Small Businesses

facebook contest ideasAre you a small business or non-profit organization looking to increase fans and engagement on your Facebook page?  Look no further — Odds On Promotions has some great Facebook contest ideas to help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

A common misconception is that only big brand pages and corporations benefit from Facebook’s contesting features.  By tweaking your marketing strategies, we can show you that that’s not at all the case!  And the best part is that you don’t have to give away a prize worth thousands in order to succeed!  Discounts, merchandise, gift cards… the prize can be anything you want, and worth any amount!  Take a look at the Facebook contest ideas below:

1. Photo Contests
Photo contests are engaging and fun for all!  Invite your Facebook fans to submit photos to your wall.  If you’re a local restaurant or food chain, have your fans snap a picture of themselves eating at one of your locations!  Retailers and auto dealerships can also utilize this type of contest by having their fans submit pictures of themselves featuring their recent purchase(s).  Holding a promotion or special event?  Have them submit their best photo of themselves at the venue!  When your fan base votes on the submitted photos, you’re not only increasing exposure on your end, but also increasing traffic which can continue even well after the contest ends.

2. Guessing Game Contests
This type of contest leaves you with a wide variety of options.  Have your Facebook fans participate in a word jumble, guess a question related to your company/organization (e.g. What year did Odds On Promotions go into business?), post a picture and have your fans guess where and/or when it was taken… or even post a picture of a jar of M&Ms and have them guess how many are in there (the person who guesses closest to the actual number will win).  The choice is strictly up to you how you choose to administer a guessing game contest and which type to go with… the possibilities are endless!

3. Tie Your Contest Into a Current Event
Is your company/organization holding any type of online/internet promotion?  This is a perfect way to incorporate it with a Facebook contest!  For example, if you’re holding an online Easter-themed scavenger hunt promotion where visitors have to find a hidden Easter Egg which is located someplace on your website, the first fan who finds and clicks on it will be your contest winner!  Keep in mind: this can easily work with other types of events as well, not just online promotions.

Need more Facebook contest ideas?  Want Odds On to run and facilitate one for you (we’ll even create your artwork!), while you sit back and watch the ‘likes’ and engagement roll in?  Whatever the case may be, be sure to give us a call today at 888-827-2249… or email us!  You can also befriend Odds On Promotions on Facebook!

PA Baseball Team Holds Hit for The Cycle Promotion With a Twist!

Looking to increase fan engagement and turnout at your next baseball game… or even for the entire season?  This Pennsylvania baseball team is doing exactly that, by holding a Hit for the Cycle promotion!

This isn’t any ordinary Hit for the Cycle promotion, however — not only is it going to be a season-long promotion, but one lucky fan from each home game during the promotional period will be selected at random to actually be able to choose a designated player to hit for the cycle!

That’s right: if the player the fan chooses scores a single, double, triple and homerun during the specified game, they’ll win $25,000… compliments of Odds On Promotions!

“Having the fan choose the player to hit for the cycle is a win-win situation”, explains Linda Thomson, Sports Promotion Specialist with Odds On.  “Not only does it make the fan feel especially included during the promotion, but it’s a cheaper solution if you’re on a budget!”

Want more baseball promotion ideas?  Request a copy of our Top 6 Baseball promotions PDF and then give us a call at 888-827-2249 for pricing on grand prize coverage and further information!

NY Auto Dealership Insures $50,000 Scratch Card Promotion

Thinking about throwing a pre-season football fiesta? Check out what one auto dealer did this season during the NFL Draft!

A New York car dealer decided to throw an NFL Draft Party at a local bowling alley where team members showed up to participate alongside fans/attendees to bowl and celebrate the occasion!  To increase attendance and hype, and add some serious fun, the car dealer gave each individual in attendance a scratch card from Odds On Promotions.  If anyone was to scratch off and reveal 6 matching ‘star’ symbols on the card, they would have been an instant $50,000 grand prize coverage winner… compliments of Odds On, of course!

While there were no winners, a great time was still had by all and attendance was improved due to the inclusion of the scratch card promotion.
(We say, feel free to steal this idea for Spring 2013!)

In the meantime, what other events could you be using Odds On’s prize insurance for? Pre-season football parties, tailgate parties, holiday events, tradeshows, company anniversaries… no matter the occasion, Odds On can help you make the most out of your next big event!  Give us a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us so we can assist in making your upcoming event a huge success while giving your attendees a chance to win big!

Mexican Restaurant Insures $50K at Cinco de Mayo Block Party

There’s only one word that comes to mind when it comes to this Cinco De Mayo promotion: ¡Impresionante! (Impressive!)  Check out how a Mexican restaurant in Colorado “rocked the block”  – increasing attendence and excitement  – with a little help from Odds On Promotions.

On May 5th this year, this Mexican restaurant teamed up with a beverage sponsor to hold quite the “fiesta” in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, which included a boatload of prizes to all of the attendees!  The most notable?  $50,000 in grand prize coverage, insured by Odds On.

In order to participate, individuals were required to fill out registration forms the month prior to the promotion at either the restaurant or sponsor’s location.  On the day of the promotion, one lucky individual was chosen, via registration form, for a chance to win the big bucks by participating in Odds On’s “Pick ‘Til You Win” promotion!

Here’s how the promotion worked: The person chosen to participate got to choose and open envelopes, each containing one of three prize symbols, until they collected 5 matching symbols, winning the indicated prize. If they collected five of the grand prize symbol first, they would have become $50,000 richer, thanks to Odds On!

Looking to hold a promotion at your next big event?  Whether it’s a holiday, grand opening, anniversary or otherwise, give Odds On a call at 888-827-2249.  Not only can we provide you with promotion ideas best suited for your business/organization, but a free quote as well… at no obligation!  You can also email us!

Scratch, Match and Win Video Board Promotion

Put the chance to win in every fan’s hand, while giving your sponsor incredible exposure before, during and after every game with Odds On’s Scratch, Match and Win video board promotion.

Odds On Promotions will customize a scratch card to feature your prize and your sponsor’s logos along with a custom coupon offer. Distribute the cards prior to kickoff, instructing fans to “scratch” off their cards and watch the video board at halftime.

If the numbers on the fan’s card match the ones revealed on a customized video playback, a lucky spectator will win the big bucks, and Odds On will be there to pay for the prize.

Want to learn more?  Give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us for a free, no-obligation quote!