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Attention Marketers: Last Minute December Traffic Drivers!

Ready to have your biggest holiday season ever? Odds On Promotions has dozens of affordable, easy-to-run promotions designed to drive traffic and sales in any venue from now through New Year’s Day. Check out a few of our “fast and easy” holiday promotions below, and then give us a call today at 888-827-2249.




Scratch & Match For Holiday Cash
Give customers a million reasons to visit your location with Odds On’s Red or Green Scratch, Match & Win Cards. These cards give you the ability to offer prizes worth up to $1,000,000 for just pennies per card.  Simply advertise your prizes and distribute cards at your location and when one your customers unveils a winning combination of symbols, Odds On will pay for your prize.

Bonus: use the contact information on the reverse to hold a post-holiday prize giveaway to generate repeat traffic!
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Gift Card Vault
Want to turn a few heads this holiday season? With Odds On’s Plexiglass Prize Vault you can give customers the chance to “crack the code” and win dozens of holiday gift cards, a pile of holiday cash, or the keys to brand new car or truck, courtesy of Odds On Promotions.  Customers visiting your location simply enter a 6 or 7-digit number on the Prize Vault.  If a lucky contestant enters the winning combination, they’ll take home your grand prize (worth up to $1,000,000) and Odds On Promotions will pick up the tab!
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Holi-Dice Roll
Give your customers the chance to roll and win up to $1,000,000 courtesy of Odds On with a set of customized dice!  If one of your contestants can roll a winning combination of letters  (S-A-N-T-A, M-I-L-L-I-O-N, N-E-W-Y-E-A-R, etc.) on our customized 1”, 4”, 8” or 16” dice, they’ll win the grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab.
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