Slot Tournament Performance Bonus Insured By California Casino

slot tournamentBrent Kelly, Western Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions, shares an idea for holding more successful slot tournaments… 

This Spring I assisted a California casino client in adding some sizzle to a slot tournaments with an a unique insured prize promotion called a performance bonus.

While performance bonuses are generally used to motivate professional athletes, coaches, teams, or sales departments, they can be used in a variety of ways … including casino promotions such as slot, poker and other table games tournaments.  As the name implies, a bonus is awarded if a particular level of performance is achieved.

For this event, a 3-day slot tournament, players could qualify for a “performance bonus” – and be eligible to win up to $160,000 in cash –  based on their tournament play.

Here’s how it worked…

Each contestant was randomly assigned a slot machine for each of  round of tournament play.  If a player ended up finishing all three rounds with the highest score, they would have been awarded $100,000… and Odds On would have written the check for the prize!

If a player consistently finished with one of the top 5 highest scores during all three rounds, they would be awarded $50,000.  And if  any player who finished the tournament having landed in the top ten during all three rounds, Odds On would have paid out Odds On would have paid out $10,000.

Slot Tournament: Multiple Ways to Win!

Three days of slots, three chances to win additional cash – and the property only had to pay a fraction of cost of the prize so they were able to advertise a substantially larger prize pool without having to risk the cost of a payout!  It doesn’t get any better than that!

Let us help you make one of your players a winner by insuring a grand prize at your upcoming slot tournament — just give Odds On a call today at 888-827-2249 for a free, no-obligation quote.  You can also email Odds On Promotions for more information!