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Casino Gives Players Chance to Win $999,999 on 9/9/09!

Interactive Money Bags Entertains & Engages

Pompano Beach, Fla. – In celebration of September 9, 2009, The Isle Casino and Racing at Pompano Park threw a very rewarding day-long cash giveaway.  IsleOne club members not only got the chance to win $99 every nine minutes starting at noon, but at 9 p.m. the casino drew the names of nine lucky contestants who each got a chance to take home $999,999. The casino placed Odds On’s Lucky Envelopes, each containing a number between 2 and 9 inside 20 Money Bags that were placed on display. If a player could find three “9’s” they’d win the enormous cash prize insured by Odds On Promotions, or take home a consolation prize which was determined from the numbers the player drew.
According to Jennifer Stanton, Director of Special Events, “For the consolation prizes, we went in reverse …starting from the “ones” working up to the “hundreds” that kept the players excited about the size of their consolation prize.” Stanton noted, “Our players love the interactivity of these kinds of promotions. They have more fun. It’s not just us handing over money…they have a hand in their own destiny.”