Make Someone a Mardi Gras Millionaire with a Lucky Bead or King Cake Cash Promotion!

As the say in the Big Easy … laissez les bon temps roulez (let the good times roll) with a million-dollar Mardi Gras Promotion from Odds On Promotions!

Odds On has a variety of Mardi Gras promotions designed to drive traffic between Twelfth Night (aka Epiphany – January 6th) right on through Fat Tuesday, February 21, 2012.

One of the most popular options… a Mardi Gras Pick’ Til You Win Lucky Bead game where contestants choose from 40 Lucky Envelopes each filled with a set of gold, green or purple beads.  Contestants select and then open “Lucky Envelopes”  donning the beads located inside. If your contestant collects five sets of gold beads before collecting five green or purple beads, they’ll they win your grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab. Assign a self-sponsored cash prize value to each set of green and purple beads and reward your contestants based on the total number of beads collected!   As an alternative, consider using a “King Cake” themed game board … with different trinkets worth different cash prizes.

Want to run this promotion without spending a ton of dough- but still attract a ton of attention?  Run a King Cake Dig! Purchase a few “king cakes”, select three contestants and have them dig, dig, dig through the cake to find the “trinket” inside. Give whomever finds the “trinket” first, the chance to select  from a display of Mardi Gras masks. If the lucky contestant selects the “Lucky Mask” – or a winning combination of masks-  they’ll win your grand prize, and Odds On will pick up the tab.

Ready to let the good times to roll? Email or give us a call today at 888-827-2249.

Want to learn more about King Cakes?  Check it out: