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How To Promote a Fishing Tournament

Interested in running a fishing tournament, but not quite sure how to go about promoting one?  Don’t fret — you’re not alone!  Thankfully, Odds On is here today to shed some light on the topic and help make your next tournament a huge success!

While it may seem like a no-brainer, you’d be surprised as to how many tournament planners neglect to take part in the very first step: plan ahead.

As soon as your club/organization sets a firm date for the tournament, that’s when you’ll want to begin divvying up tasks to your fellow members.  Who will be in charge of advertising?  Selling sponsorships?  Coordinating with the prize insurance company (should prize insurance for a fishing contest at your event be desired) to assist with fundraising?  It’s crucial that everyone know and understand their role.

Promoting and advertising can take on many different forms — from print advertising (mailers, an article in the newspaper, press releases or flyers) to radio commercials and even websites, the choice is yours.  Effectiveness will mainly depend on the demographic you’re wanting to attract to your tournament: do you know your target audience?

Tip: As soon as you’ve nailed down a date for your tournament, send out a mailer notifying individuals of the event.  Just because you don’t have the exact details yet doesn’t mean that you can’t inform them of the date, location of the fishing tournament, as well as a contact number for someone who can answer any questions.

Be sure that you time your publicity to achieve maximum results.  Keep in mind that there are no ‘exact’ deadlines — each medium will inevitably have different needs.  Contact the ones you’re most interested in, whether it be your local newspaper or radio station(s), and inquire as to what their specific deadlines are.  Then, after taking note of the lead time required, work accordingly.

Last, but definitely not least, be prepared for possible inclement weather on the date of your eventDon’t let mother nature ruin all of the efforts you and your staff have put into making your fishing tournament a success.  Consider purchasing weather insurance, which will ensure that if inclement weather does occur, your organization will not lose your investment.  Instead, an insurance company will cover those costs based on the size and type of the weather cancellation insurance purchased!

Need more pointers?  Looking to make your fishing tournament one to remember by purchasing prize insurance?  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 or email us!  We’d be happy to help!