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Hold a Million Dollar Midnight Toast This Upcoming New Year!

Make your midnight toast the most rewarding one in town with Odds On Promotions‘ Midnight Millionaire Lucky Envelopes game.

You’ll set up a display of 100 champagne-filled flutes, assigning each a lucky number, one of which has been preselected by Odds On.

Next, you’ll select a contestant and invite them to pick a flute. If they choose the lucky preselected flute, they’ll head into 2012 a whole lot richer, courtesy of Odds On!

Looking for more variations of this promotion?  Mix it up by using your own merchandise in combination with the flute of champagne as an insured element!  This type of promotion can be run by virtually any kind of company… even in conjunction with a non-profit!

For example, jewelry stores may attach a small sack to the flute and include a different diamond in each sack!  If you don’t insure your promotion, chances are you would only be able to give away one diamond and stuff the rest of the bags with Cubic Zirconia; however, when you purchase prize insurance through Odds On, we pick up the risk, meaning you’re free to up the ante and give away more diamonds of differing clarity and carat weight rather than just one!

For added fun, have your customers come back to an ‘appraisal booth’ afterwards to see if they were the recipient of an actual diamond, and if so, how much theirs is worth!  Not quite sure how this promotion can be used in conjunction with non-profits?  How about setting up an auction after all is said and done to help fundraise for your cause!

Casinos: Use this same idea, only using casino chips rather than diamonds!  At the end of the promotion, have your players bring their chip(s) to the cashier’s booth to see who has scored some major free play, compliments of your property!

The possibilities are endless, which is why it’s important to contact us learn the variety of ways your business can utilize this New Years promotion.  Give us a call today at 888-827-2249 or email us if you’d like a quote, more ideas or if you have any questions at all!