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Casino Gameshow Promotion Tip …

Brent Kelly, Southwest Business Development Manager with Odds On Promotions, has a great promotion tip when it comes to running a gameshow promotion … create a cheering squad.

Let’s face it, there’s nothing quite like receiving support from fellow players when it comes to the possibility of winning a grand prize! That’s why we loved Brent’s cool “cheering squad” concept.

“Instead of selecting just one contestant to participate in your Lucky Envelopes or Gameboard promotion, select five. Have them all come on ‘stage’ and randomly select one to be the finalist with the other four acting as a ‘cheering squad’ with their ‘consolation prize’  tied to finalist’s prize,” explains Kelly.

On-floor interaction between players  builds a great sense of camaraderie, is a great way to give the impression of “lots of winners” and having a dedicate troop of cheering players will definitely add to the overall “gameshow” experience.

Looking for more great ideas, tips and promotions ?  Give us a call today at 888-764-5459!