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Win $111,111 on 11-11-11!

Here’s a great promotion for any business that wants more business on Veteran’s Day: Giveaway $111,111 on 11-11-11, courtesy of Odds On Promotions!

Give your customers chance to win up to $111,111 on Veteran’s Day with a Pick Three Lucky Envelopes game.  If one of your lucky contestants can select the three envelopes that add up to $1,111, we’ll reward them with $111,111, while you sit back and take calls from the press.

Make this one twice as good by running once at 11a.m. and again at 11p.m. on 11/11/11.
Or, run it once an hour from 11 to 11.

Bonus: Recognize the sacrifices made by those who have served our country by offering a free meal or a special discount to the retired and active-duty military personnel in your area.