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Attention: Radio Stations… Increase Your Listener Base!

Are you a radio station looking to increase your listener base and possibly add a little something extra to your programming this year?  Then you’ll definitely want to read about this great promotion that Cumulus Broadcasting is running with two popular college football teams during the football season!

Cumulus will be holding two separate on-air promotions – one for each football team, as both colleges are located within the same vicinity.  Callers will qualify a week prior to the specified promotion (game) dates by dialing in to the station and being the lucky caller.

During the respective team’s game, if a kickoff is returned for a touchdown, the prequalified caller will win a grand prize of $10,000… paid for by Odds On Promotions!

Give your listeners something to look forward to this year with one of Odds On’s great media promotions, like this one!  Give us a call at 888-827-2249 or send us an email for pricing and further information!