Need a last minute idea to drive some extra revenue in June but don’t want to break the bank? Get together with a few local retailers and make it Man Cave Month!
1. Advertise the chance to win a $50,000 Man Cave (or Ladies Lair) or X daily guaranteed prizes, for joining your email newsletter list or visiting your social networking page and earning a predetermined number of points on selected midweek days in June.
2. Each morning on your targeted promotion days, you’ll announce via your blog, Facebook wall, Twitter feed, and/or email your “Man Cave Prize of the Day” inviting your players to come to your property for a chance to win the $50,000 Man Cave or the guaranteed prize of the day, for earning X points.
Qualified players will approach the locked “cave door” (i.e. game board featuring an Odds On’s number verification machine) and enter their choice of digits. When a lucky player enters a winning combination, they’ll “unlock” the cave door and win the room of their dreams. Bonus: verification machine awards up to X secondary prizes based upon the percentage of guaranteed prizes you’d like to give away.
Hint: Make this one even more affordable by working with your local furniture, electronics, or home improvement store and offering to include their logo on your emails, games boards, and advertising!
Think you can manage to come out of your Man Cave or Ladies Lair long enough to contact us about this promotion? Give us a call at 888-827-2249 and we’ll gladly help you set everything up and answer any questions you may have.