Golf Ball Drop Promotion: Casino Contest Idea

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Million-Dollar Golf Ball Drop Promotion

Are you looking for a truly attention-grabbing summer promotion? How about a golf ball drop promotion? Imagine giving your players the chance to win a million dollars and all you have to do is drop the ball. Well actually, 500 balls – more or less. Here’s how.

Last summer a New York racino gave qualified players the chance to win $1,000,000 in a million dollar golf ball drop. Guests could enter once per day during the qualification period (but you can always have players earn additional entries based on points, etc.). Then, a few days before the big drop, the facility randomly selected 500 entries and assigned each one their very own numbered golf ball.

On the appointed day, staff at the property dropped the balls from the top of a fire truck ladder onto a target placed on the infield of the racetrack. If the lucky ball(s) that fell closest to the target “hole” were one of the preselected Lucky Balls, the owner of that ball would instantly win $1,000,000 paid for by Odds On. To ensure a successful golf ball drop promotion the racino gave the person who came closest a guaranteed prize of $5,000.

While this NY property opted to drop golf balls, you could run this promotion anywhere – and drop just about anything – including promotional chips, gold medals, baseballs, or even, tiny shoes. Don’t have access to a fire truck? Partner with the local cable company (bucket truck), a hot air balloon ride company, or even your local news station (traffic helicopter). And don’t feel you need to stick with 500. You could drop more balls, less balls and have as many potential winners as you’d like.

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