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Sell More Ducks, Raise More Bucks!

Want to increase awareness and raise more money for your cause this summer?  Imagine how many ducks (turtles, frogs or fish) will be “adopted” when you give everyone who makes a donation to your cause the chance to win up to $1,000,000 – without the risk of payout!

That’s what Odds On Promotions can do for you! We give you the ability to market irresistible prizes for just a fraction of their actual cost. And when you have a big winner, we’re there to pay for the prize!

It’s as easy as 1-2-3…
•Choose an amazing prize (cars, houses, cash, anything up to a million bucks) then sell your ducks just as you always do.
•Prior to your event, we’ll randomly select a group of Lucky Ducks.
•If one of those preselected “lucky ducks” crosses the finish line first, the duck’s owner will win your giant prize and Odds On will pick up the tab up to a million bucks.

Already purchasing prize insurance through another company? Then you’ve got to give us a call! We guarantee to save you and your sponsors money!

Ready to learn more? Email or give us a call today at 888-827-2249.

P.S. Want more great ideas for raising money this summer? Check out our Top Ten Fundraising Ideas.